

阅读:1445次 日期:2019/07/25

据普氏能源资讯2019年7月22日华沙报道,波兰天然气网络运营商Gaz – System日前与波兰建筑商Budimex牵头的财团签署了一份价值5.215亿兹罗提(1.376亿美元)的承包商合同,将建造一条天然气管道来连接波兰和斯洛伐克的管道网络。


Budimex称,该财团将建造59公里长的斯特查奇纳-波兰边境管道及相关基础设施,其中Budimex和Mostostal Krakow分别持有94.46%和5.54%的股权。


今年4月,Gaz - System表示,该公司已与斯洛伐克的Eustream公司就建设互联互通管道项目做出了最终投资决定,这是欧盟支持的南北天然气走廊的一部分。这条管道将有能力每年向波兰输送57亿立方米的天然气以及向斯洛伐克输送4.7亿立方米的天然气。

在斯洛伐克方面,去年9月在Velke Kapusany开始建设一条106公里长的天然气管道。

李峻 编译自 Platts


Poland's Gaz-System signs Slovakia gas link contractor deal

Poland's gas grid operator Gaz-System has signed a Zloty 521.5 million ($137.6 million) contract with a consortium led by Polish builder Budimex to construct a gas pipeline to connect the Polish and Slovak grids.

Poland is expanding its cross-border gas transmission capacity to enable it to pursue its plan to become a regional gas trader once the 10 Bcm/year Baltic Pipe project is completed in October 2022, which will allow Poland to directly import Norwegian gas and LNG deliveries from the US start in earnest in 2023.

The 59 km Strachocina-Polish border pipeline and associated infrastructure will be built by the consortium, comprising Budimex, with a 94.46% stake, and Mostostal Krakow, with a 5.54% stake, Budimex said.

The pipeline is scheduled to be complete 31 months following the signing of the contract, Budimex said in a market filing.

In April, Gaz-System said it had taken the final investment decision with its Slovak counterpart Eustream to build the interconnector, which is an element of the EU-backed North-South Gas Corridor.

It will have a capacity to transmit 5.7 Bcm/year of gas to Poland and 4.7 Bcm/year of gas to Slovakia.

On the Slovak side, a 106 km gas pipeline began construction in September last year in Velke Kapusany.
