

阅读:1479次 日期:2019/07/25

据路透社河内7月23日报道,周二,越南Binh Son炼油和石化公司高管表示,该公司将在今年下半年,进口200万至300万桶美国西德克萨斯中级石油 (WTI),为其Dung Quat炼油厂提供原油供应。

公司副首席执行官Nguyen Van Hoi告诉路透社,今年上半年进口了第一批100万桶 WTI 原油。

Hoi通过电话表示: “除了 WTI 原油,我们将继续使用越南Bach Ho原油,并从亚洲其他地区进口原油用于炼油厂。”

Hoi称,从明年6月初开始,Binh Son将关闭每天可以处理13万桶原油的Dung Quat炼油厂,进行为期 51天的重大维护,这将是这家位于越南广义省(Quang Ngai)的炼油厂自10年前开始商业生产以来第四次重大维护。

该公司表示,这家炼油厂今年上半年以其设计能力的106% 运营,生产了338万吨精炼产品。

根据越南官方海关数据,今年上半年,越南对美国的贸易顺差从去年同期的155.5亿美元扩大到 205.9亿美元。

越南政府在上月末的一份声明中表示,越南工业和贸易部与美国能源部将很快签署一份关于 LNG进口的谅解备忘录。



Vietnam's Dung Quat refinery to import more WTI crude in H2

Vietnam’s Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical will import 2 million to 3 million barrels of U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude in the second half of this year for its Dung Quat refinery, a company executive said on Tuesday.

This will follow the import of the first ever batch of 1 million barrels of WTI crude oil in the first half of this year, Vice Chief Executive Officer Nguyen Van Hoi told Reuters.

“Other than WTI crude, we will continue using Vietnam’s Bach Ho crude and imported crude oil from other sources in Asia for the refinery,” Hoi said by telephone.

Binh Son will shut down the refinery, which can process 130,000 barrels per day of crude oil, for 51 days starting from early June next year for a major maintenance, Hoi said.

This will be the fourth time the refinery in the central province of Quang Ngai has undergone a major maintenance since it began commercial production 10 years ago.

The refinery operated at 106% of its design capacity in the first half of this year, producing 3.38 million tonnes of refined products, the company said.

Vietnam’s trade surplus with the United States widened to $20.59 billion in the first half of this year from $15.55 billion a year earlier, according to Vietnam’s official customs data.

Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade and the U.S. Department of Energy will soon sign a memorandum of understanding on LNG imports, the government said in a statement late last month.
