

阅读:1507次 日期:2019/07/29


其中英国(931兆瓦)、丹麦(374兆瓦)、比利时(370兆瓦)和德国(252兆瓦)。这其中包括英国的Hornsea 1,建成后将成为世界上最大的风力发电厂,装机容量为1.2吉瓦。






曹海斌 摘译自 世界能源网


Europe Installs 1.9 GW Offshore Wind Capacity in H1

Europe added 1.9 GW of new offshore wind was installed in the first half of 2019, up from the 1.1 GW added in the same period in 2018, according to figures released by WindEurope.

The UK (931 MW), Denmark (374 MW), Belgium (370 MW) and Germany (252 MW) accounted for these installations. This includes Hornsea 1 in the UK which, when completed, will be the world’s largest wind farm with 1.2 GW.

In the first half of 2019 Europe invested €8.8bn in the construction of future wind farms, €6.4bn in onshore wind and €2.4bn in offshore wind. These investments will result in 5.9 GW being installed and grid connected over the next two to three years. France and the Netherlands led investments.

The combined installations of new onshore and offshore wind capacity is 4.9 GW, up on the same period last year (4.5 GW), but onshore installations were down due to serious issues in Germany.

Europe installed 2.9 GW of onshore wind in the first half of the year. This is down on the 3.3 GW installed in the same period last year. Installations were particularly poor in Germany, which had its worst first half of the year since 2000.

The industry expects installations to pick up in the second half of the year, but German grid connected volumes for 2019 as a whole will be lower than historical levels. Of all European countries, France had the most onshore installations with 523 MW.

Onshore wind installations are typically stronger in the 2nd half of the year. This tendency is particularly pronounced in Nordic countries where installation activity is strongest in Summer months.

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