

阅读:1545次 日期:2019/07/29



天然气价格在今年第二季度处于多年来的低点,原因是东北亚主要LNG消费国的需求增加趋于平稳,加之库存增加和新供应的LNG压低了亚洲和欧洲的LNG 价格。




李峻 编译自 全球能源新闻


Global LNG Demand Up 16%: GasLog

Global liquefied natural gas (LNG) demand was 86 million tonnes (mt) in the second quarter, compared with 74 mt in the second quarter of 2018, an increase of 16%, said GasLog Partners, the international owner and operator of LNG carriers.

Monaco-headquartered company quoted a Poten report which says that higher European imports (up 110% year-on-year) accounted for most of the growth, while demand from Northeast Asia (Japan, China, South Korea) was flat year-on-year.

Natural gas prices were at multi-year lows in the second quarter of 2019 as the leveling off in demand growth from key LNG consumers in Northeast Asia coupled with elevated inventories and new LNG supply depressed LNG prices in Asia and Europe.

Global LNG demand for 2019 is estimated at 351 mt, an increase of over 37 mt, or 12%, over 2018, according to Wood Mackenzie.

Global LNG supply totaled 87 mt in the second quarter of 2019, an increase of 13 mt or 17% over the second quarter of 2018, principally driven by new supply additions in the U.S., Australia and Russia, according to Poten.

Wood Mackenzie estimates that 2019 supply will be 365 mt, or 38 mt (12%), higher year-on-year as 2018’s supply additions continue to ramp up production and new projects begin production in the U.S. and Australia.

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