

阅读:1637次 日期:2019/08/08

据普氏能源资讯8月7日迪拜报道,产量占阿联酋日产300万桶原油大部分的阿布扎比国家石油公司(Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.)周三表示,其收购了储存码头所有者和运营商VTTI 公司10%的股份,这有助于扩大其在富查伊拉的业务,该公司已经在那里建造了世界上最大的单站地下储油洞穴。

ADNOC在一份电子邮件声明中表示,交易完成后,其他90%的股权将在IFM 全球基础设施基金和Vitol之间分配,价格没有透露。 ADNOC从该基金和Vitol平均购买了10%。

阿联酋公司表示,VTTI在14个国家拥有15个存储终端,可存储6000万桶(950万立方米),在富查伊拉拥有160万立方米的存储设施,使其成为富查伊拉的第二大终端运营商。 这项交易将有助于推动ADNOC的营销、供应和交易平台。







郝芬 译自 Platts


ADNOC acquires 10% stake in Vitol's part-owned energy storage firm VTTI

Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., which pumps most of the UAE's 3 million b/d of crude output, said Wednesday it acquired a 10% stake in storage terminal owner and operator VTTI, helping to expand its operations in Fujairah where it is already building the world's biggest single-site underground oil storage caverns.

Following the transaction, the other 90% ownership will be split between IFM Global Infrastructure Fund and Vitol, ADNOC said in an emailed statement. The price was not disclosed. ADNOC bought the 10% equally from the fund and Vitol.

VTTI, which owns 15 storage terminals across 14 countries with a capacity to hold 60 million barrels (9.5 million cu m), owns storage facilities in Fujairah with 1.6 million cu m of capacity, making it the second largest terminal operator in Fujairah. The transaction will help boost ADNOC's marketing, supply and trading platforms, the UAE company said.

"VTTI's diverse portfolio of storage assets across key target markets such as Asia, Africa and Europe provides us with direct access to our customers around the world, a key building block to accelerating ADNOC's transformation into a more integrated and commercially-minded global energy player," ADNOC's group CEO Sultan al-Jaber said in the statement.

ADNOC has been busy striking deals to expand its global reach as well as monetize assets in Abu Dhabi.

The company is expanding its operations in Fujairah, the Middle East's storage and bunkering hub that lies outside the strategic Strait of Hormuz. ADNOC's 1.5 million barrel-per-day Habshan pipeline connects to the Port of Fujairah where it is used to export Murban crude from the company's export facilities there.

ADNOC announced plans earlier this year to build an underground oil storage with a capacity of 42 million barrels of crude oil in Fujairah, in addition to its existing 8 million barrels of storage in the emirate that lies on the country's east coast.

"By expanding its international storage capabilities and reach, ADNOC will move closer to its customers, allowing it to be more agile and respond quickly to market needs and dynamics," ADNOC said. "It will also unlock incremental revenue, margin and cost saving opportunities from the trading, transportation and storage of its products, giving ADNOC better control over where, when and how its products are being supplied to key markets and customers."

ADNOC is also starting physical oil trading with the help of Italy's Eni and Austria's OMV in 2020 as the UAE energy firm joins a club of Middle East national oil companies with trading businesses.
