

阅读:1719次 日期:2019/08/08

据8月6日Trend报道,土耳其能源和自然资源部部长法蒂赫·顿梅兹(Fatih Donmez)表示,土耳其钻井船亚武兹已经开始在塞浦路斯北端附近进行石油和天然气勘探。

Fatih Donmez指出,这些井的钻深为1700米。他补充说,勘探工作将持续至少2.5-3个月。早些时候,欧盟成员国外交部长批准了针对土耳其在东地中海勘探油气矿床的制裁。制裁措施包括减少欧盟为土耳其提供的资金以及终止有关空中服务协议的谈判。



欧盟于7月16日批评土耳其在该地区的钻探计划,警告土耳其正在准备“适当的措施”。然而,Fatih Donmez表示,将继续寻找碳氢化合物储量。Donmez说:“我们将根据我们的合法权利开展钻探活动。”

王佳晶 摘译自 Trend


Turkey won't stop exploration at oil&gas fields off coast of northern Cyprus

Turkish drilling vessel Yavuz has begun oil and gas exploration near the northern tip of Cyprus, Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Donmez said, Trend reports citing Turkish media.

The minister noted that the wells were drilled to a depth of 1700 meters. He added that exploration work will last at least 2.5-3 months.

Earlier, the foreign ministers of EU member states approved sanctions against Turkey in connection with the exploration of hydrocarbon deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean. The sanction measures, among other things, include reduction in EU funding for Turkey and the termination of negotiations on an air service agreement.

At the same time, if Turkey continues to insist on its position, other sanctions may be applied, including restrictive measures against companies or individuals involved in the exploration of deposits.

On Monday, July 8, Turkey sent a second drilling vessel, Yavuz, to the Karpas Peninsula on the northern tip of Cyprus. The Turkish Cypriots issued a permit for the right to work in this area to the Turkish state oil company.

The EU criticized Turkey on July 16 for drilling plans in the area, warning that it was preparing "appropriate measures."

However, the Turkish Minister of Energy Fatih Donmez said that the search for hydrocarbon reserves will continue. “We will carry out drilling activities based on our legal rights,” Donmez said

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