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Aker BP在B?yla油田发现天然气

阅读:1687次 日期:2019/08/08

据石油和天然气管道新闻8月7日消息,根据挪威石油理事会称,挪威Aker BP公司在北海B?yla油田附近发现了小型天然气油藏。

持有生产许可证869的Aker BP已经完成了24/9-13口探井和24/9-13口评价井的钻探工作。


24/9-13井在霍达兰群中发现了一个大约3米的气柱。同时,在评价井24/9-13 A发现约40米的气柱。

24/9-13井和24/9-13 A井是由深海Nordkapp钻井设施钻探的,该设施现在将在Skogul油田钻探生产许可证460的一口生产井,Aker BP是该油田的运营商。

程张翔 编译自 石油和天然气管道新闻


Gas find near B?yla

Norway’s Aker BP has made a small gas discovery near the B?yla field in the North Sea, according to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).

Aker BP, operator of production licence 869, has completed the drilling of wildcat well 24/9-13 and appraisal well 24/9-13 A.

The wells were drilled about 6 kilometres southwest of the B?yla field, and about 230 kilometres west of Stavanger.

Well 24/9-13 encountered a gas column of about 3 meters in the Hordaland group. While, appraisal well 24/9-13 A encountered a gas column of about 40 metres.

Wells 24/9-13 and 24/9-13 A were drilled by the Deepsea Nordkapp drilling facility, which will now drill a production well on the Skogul field in production licence 460, where Aker BP is the operator.
