

阅读:1585次 日期:2019/08/10


该公司表示,上半年利润增长483%,达到1.4亿美元(合5.13亿迪拉姆),其中略高于一半(7100万美元)归功于 “对某些以油气储量为基础的盈利权益的公允价值确认”。


上个月底,咨询公司Gaffney Cline进行的一项新审计表明,Pearl石油公司在位于伊拉克库尔德斯坦地区(KRI)的两个油田已探明加潜在油气储量为10亿桶石油当量(boe)。

达纳天然气公司表示,即使没有这一点,该公司上半年核心业务的利润将达到6900万美元 - 仍然几乎是去年2400万美元利润的三倍。该公司将此归因于库尔德斯坦在一个去瓶颈项目后的产量增加,以及伊斯兰债券利润支出方面的节省,还有去年该公司与价值7亿美元的伊斯兰债券持有人发生纠纷时支付的仲裁费用得到偿还。伊斯兰债券最终在去年8月进行了重组。

达纳天然气公司首席执行官Patrick Allman-Ward表示,“达纳天然气在2019年上半年的净利润为1.4亿美元,这清楚地反映了该公司强劲的运营和财务业绩以及KRI产量和收入的大幅增长。”

徐蕾 摘译自 国民报


Dana Gas reports first-half profit hike

Sharjah-based Dana Gas's net profit for the first half of 2019 increased almost six fold as a new assessment citing higher reserves led to an increase in the value of earn-out entitlements.

The company said first-half profit was up 483 per cent to $140 million (Dh513m), of which just over half ($71m) was attributed to "the recognition at fair value of certain reserve-based earn-out entitlements".

Dana Gas said the entitlements were due "from certain shareholders in Pearl Petroleum", which were contingent on Pearl proving certain reserves.

This was achieved late last month as a new audit from consultancy Gaffney Cline indicated that two Pearl Petroleum in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) contained proved plus probable (2P) reserves of 1 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe).

Even without this, Dana Gas said first-half profit from core operations would have stood at $69m - still almost three times' last year's profit of $24m. It attributed this to increased production at its sites in Kurdistan following a de-bottlenecking project, as well as savings on sukuk profit payments and the reimbursement of arbitration costs incurred last year as the company dealt with a dispute with holders of sukuk notes worth $700m. The sukuk was eventually restructured in August last year.

"Dana Gas’ net profit of $140m in the first half 2019 is a clear reflection of the company’s strong operational and financial performance with strongly rising production and revenue from the KRI," said Dana Gas chief executive Patrick Allman-Ward.
