

阅读:1560次 日期:2019/08/10

据路透社新加坡8月8日报道,总部位于新加坡的亚太交易所(APEX)在一份声明中表示,其本周首次以“期转现”方式进行了燃料油期货合约实物交割,本次交割的产品为380-厘斯高硫燃料油(380-cst HSFO)期货合约。

APEX在周四的一份声明中称,8月6日,共有3000吨380-cst HSFO通过EFP进行交易。


声明称,自4月份上市以来,380-cst期货合约的平均日成交量约为2.6万lots ,相当于26万吨燃料,未结息约为0.55万lots,即5.5万吨燃料。




今年4月,APEX推出了380-cst HSFO期货合约,这是其首份燃料油期货合约。这些合约以美元计价,每1美元计价的380-厘斯高硫燃料油(380-cst HSFO)合同将是10吨的燃料油(交易单位为10吨/手,报价单位为美元/吨,最小变动价位为0.10美元/吨),如果保持到期满,这些燃料油可以与质量保证的 380-cst HSFO 进行实物交付。

【注】:EFP(Exchange of futures for Physicals)期转现交易,即期货转现货,是指持有同一月份合约的交易双方通过协商达成现货买卖协议,并在交易所的期转现系统中按照协议价格了结各自持有的期货持仓,同时进行数量相当的货款和实物交换。从全球市场实践看,“期转现”因其具有可使双方灵活选择交货地点、时间、质量品级,同时可以降低交割成本,提升资金利用效率等实际价值,在产业客户中被广泛应用。

詹晓晶 摘自 路透社


Singapore's APEX records first fuel oil futures for physical exchange

Singapore-based Asia Pacific Exchange (APEX) this week registered the first exchange of futures for physicals (EFP) for its 380-centistoke high-sulphur fuel oil (380-cst HSFO) futures contract, the company said in a statement.

A total of 3,000 metric tonnes of 380-cst HSFO were transacted on Aug. 6 through the EFP facility, APEX said in a statement on Thursday.

EFP deals allow holders of contracts for the same month to exchange their futures positions for a physical delivery.

Since its listing in April, the average daily volume for the 380-cst futures contracts have been around 26,000 lots, representing 260,000 tonnes of the fuel, with an open interest of around 5,500 lots, or 55,000 tonnes, the statement said.

APEX also plans to launch a low-sulphur fuel oil contract (LSFO) to meet the expected surge in demand for cleaner fuel as new global rules on marine fuels come into effect in 2020.

“We are in the midst of research and developing our LSFO contract and (expect) to launch it soon,” an APEX spokesman said.

New International Maritime Organization (IMO) rules prohibiting ships from using fuels containing more than 0.5% sulphur, compared with 3.5% currently, will start on Jan. 1, 2020, to combat air pollution.

APEX launched the 380-cst HSFO futures contracts - its first for residual fuel oil - in April. The contracts are U.S. dollar-denominated and represent 10 tonnes of fuel oil each that is physically deliverable against quality-assured physical fuel oil if held until expiry.
