

阅读:1526次 日期:2019/08/10

据WAM 8月7日富查伊拉报道,根据富查伊拉石油工业区周三公布的数据显示,过去一周,受船用燃料和其他重馏分油及残渣供应增加的影响,富查伊拉的成品油库存有所反弹。


标普全球普氏能源资讯的数据显示,反映供应增加的是,富查伊拉周一交付了380 CST燃油,评估结果为393.25美元/吨,低于一周前的428.30美元/吨。重型产品还包括用于发电的燃料油。



尹路 编译自 WAM


Fujairah oil product stockpiles rebound to 2-week high

Refined oil products stockpiles in Fujairah rebounded in the past week, on higher supply of marine fuel and other heavy distillates and residues, according to data released Wednesday by the Fujairah Oil Industry Zone.

Total inventories at the Middle East bunkering hub rose 5.9 percent week on week to 19.327 million barrels as of Monday, bringing the total back to the level seen two weeks earlier. Heavy products stockpiles climbed 13 percent to 9.522 million barrels, also returning to a two-week high.

Reflecting the increased supplies, Fujairah delivered 380 CST bunker fuel was assessed Monday at US$393.25/mt, down from $428.30/mt a week earlier, according to S&P Global Platts data. Heavy products also include fuel oils used for power generation.

Stockpiles of middle distillates, such as gasoil, diesel, marine gasoil, jet fuel and kerosene, rose one percent to 2.112 million barrels, while light distillates were little changed at 7.693 million barrels.

Light distillates covered in the report are gasoline, naphtha and condensates that are stored in white product tanks and have an API of 45 degrees and above.
