

阅读:1526次 日期:2019/08/10

据世界石油网站8月7日休斯顿报道 海上油气行业跨国通信方案提供商RigNet公司宣布,已与全球最大的海上钻探公司Valaris plc(前身为EnscoRowan)签署了一项多年协议,该公司拥有横跨所有大陆的海上船队。根据该协议,RigNet将继续提供托管通信服务,包括VSAT技术和RigNet墨西哥湾5GE网络,以及RigNet全球多频段LTE服务的全船队推广。



王磊 摘译自 世界石油


RigNet signs long-term contract extension with Valaris

RigNet announced that it has signed a multi-year agreement with Valaris plc (formerly known as EnscoRowan), the world’s largest offshore driller with an offshore fleet that spans all continents. Under this agreement, RigNet will continue to provide Managed Communication Services including VSAT technology and RigNet’s Gulf of Mexico 5GE network and the fleet-wide rollout of RigNet’s global multi-band LTE service.

This agreement is in conjunction with other services currently provided to Valaris including RigNet’s Enhanced Cyber Services, an integrated cyber offering tailored to improve data and system security by providing real-time threat detection, network visualization, and advanced investigative capabilities across the fleet.

“We are extremely pleased to continue our long standing partnership with Valaris that spans more than a decade,” said Steven Pickett, Chief Executive Officer and president of RigNet. “This is a testament to our strategy to provide high-performance and secure network connectivity with fully-managed end-to-end IP network solutions using VSAT technology, our GoM offshore network and state of the art global multi-band LTE service.”
