

阅读:1569次 日期:2019/08/10

据天然气工业8月8日消息,加拿大BESIX及其合资伙伴 Vanpile将在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省北海岸地区的Kitimat建设一个液化天然气出口设施。通过道格拉斯海峡,这是不列颠哥伦比亚省的主要峡湾之一,该港口是西北走廊的一部分,连接北美和环太平洋地区。

JGC-Fluor BC LNG合资企业(JFJV)将LNG泊位海洋结构合同授予加拿大BESIX和Van Pile。一旦建成,LNG终端将由JFJV维护,并由壳牌、马来西亚国家石油公司、中石油、三菱和韩国石油公社组建的合资企业加拿大液化天然气公司运营。



加拿大BESIX总经理Fabian Boucher表示: “液化天然气泊位海洋结构是BESIX在加拿大开展的第二个海洋项目,再次与我们当地的合作伙伴合作,并得益于BESIX工程部提出的创新设计。我们相信,JGC-Fluor已经与我们的合资企业做出了最好的选择,以迎接这个项目的具体挑战,我们共同致力于成为“地球上最安全的项目”。BESIX在海洋工程方面有深厚的专业知识。在每一个站点上,BESIX都在质量和安全方面追求卓越,并减少对环境的影响。”

裘寅 编译自 天然气工业


BESIX Canada to build an LNG terminal in British Columbia

BESIX Canada, together with its joint venture partner Vancouver Pile Driving (Vanpile), will build an LNG export facility in Kitimat, in the North Coast region of British Columbia, Canada. Via the Douglas Channel, one the principal fjords of British Columbia, the port is part of the Northwest Corridor, connecting North America to the Pacific Rim.

The LNG Berth Marine Structure contract was awarded to BESIX Canada and Van Pile by the JGC-Fluor BC LNG Joint Venture (JFJV). Once completed, the LNG terminal will be maintained by JFJV and operated by LNG Canada, a joint venture between Shell, Petronas, PetroChina, Mitsubishi and Kogas.

Works include the construction of a 500 m long quay wall, an LNG platform and all associated mooring and berthing structures. The works also involve the construction of scour protection, roadways, foundations for buildings, electrical works as well as the installation of marine equipment such as automated navigation aids.

Construction will start in 2019 with the removal of the existing facilities, shoreline protection and current infrastructure. The works will be completed in 2021.

Fabian Boucher, BESIX Canada General Manager: “The LNG Berth Marine Structure is the second marine project that BESIX carries out in Canada, once again in cooperation with our local partner and thanks to the proposed innovative design of the BESIX Engineering Department. We are convinced that JGC-Fluor has made the best possible choice with our JV to meet the specific challenges of this project that we jointly commit to become the ‘Safest Project on Earth’. BESIX has an in-depth expertise in marine works. On each of its sites, BESIX pursues excellence in terms of quality and safety and in reducing its environmental footprint.”
