

阅读:1536次 日期:2019/08/10

据世界天然气8月8日消息,船舶工程设计公司赫伯特工程公司(Herbert Engineering)基于敏捷气体技术(AGT)完成了一艘大型乙烯运输船的概念设计。


该公司补充称,它成功地创建了两个大型乙烯运输船(JEC)设计,负载能力为165,000 立方米。

JEC设计团队的工程项目经理John Paulling称:“能接受这个项目我们很激动,并对我们能够设计出同类产品中的第一艘船舶表示高兴。这艘JEC运输船能够安全运载迄今为止使用液化天然气作为制冷剂的最大乙烯货物,以保持乙烯货物处于液化状态,然后利用产生的蒸发气体作为船舶燃料。”

AGT首席执行官Charles Matar补充道:“我们从赫伯特得到的设计和完整报告远远超出了我们的预期。它使我们有机会接触各种合格的造船厂,以获得成本估算以及JEC的交付时间,以及许多现在正在申请专利的发现。AGT目前正与潜在投资者洽谈成立一家高价值天然气贸易公司。拥有这种船舶设计为我们的计划增添了巨大的价值。”

裘寅 编译自 世界天然气


Herbert Engineering designs LNG-fuelled jumbo ethylene carrier

Marine engineering design firm Herbert Engineering has completed the concept design for a jumbo ethylene carrier based on the Agility Gas Technologies (AGT).

Herbert said that AGT’s technology allows the shipping of high-value gases like ethylene, propylene, and ethane safely and in large volumes.

The company added that it was successful in creating two jumbo ethylene carrier (JEC) designs with a load capacity of 165,000 cbm.

Engineering’s project manager of the JEC design team John Paulling said: “We were excited to take on this project and are happy to report that we were able to design a ship that is the first of its kind.This JEC is capable of safely carrying the largest ethylene cargo so far conceived using LNG as a refrigerant to keep the ethylene cargo in a liquefied state and then utilizing the resulting boil-off gas as the ship’s fuel.”

Charles Matar, the CEO of AGT, added: “The design and full report that we received from Herbert far exceeded our expectations. It provides us the opportunity to approach various qualified shipyards to get a cost estimate along with delivery time for the JEC, as well as many discoveries that are now under pending patents.AGT is currently in talks with potential investors to establish a high-value gas trading company. Having this ship design adds great value to our plans.”
