

阅读:1495次 日期:2019/08/10

据天然气资讯8月8日宣布,据Wood Mackenzie称,巴西的天然气市场改革已向前迈出了一大步,相关计划已就位,将为整个天然气价值链打开机遇之门,并促进对该国盐下开采的投资。



拉美天然气和液化天然气首席分析师Mauro Chavez表示:“迄今为止,阻碍巴西大型勘探开发投资的最大障碍之一,是该国天然气管理选择有限。







曹海斌 摘译自 天然气资讯


Brazil gas market reform unlocks investment across value chain

According to Wood Mackenzie, Brazil’s natural gas market reforms have taken a major step forward, with plans in place which are set to open up opportunities across the gas value chain, and boost investment in the country’s pre-salt.

Last month, the National Council for Energy Policy (CNPE) unveiled its roadmap for opening the gas market to third-party investment, which, it hopes, will drive gas prices down by increasing competition along the gas value chain.

The plan includes granting third parties access to transportation and allowing producers to sell gas output to companies other than Petrobras.

Mauro Chavez, Principal Analyst, Latin America gas and LNG, said: “One of the biggest barriers to major E&P investments in Brazil to date has been limited gas management options within the country.

“Now that transportation is open to third parties, new monetisation options exist, such as selling to local distribution companies (LDCs), power plants in the transport grid and industrial users.”

He added, “Once access to gas transport capacity is granted, demand recontracting will help drive opening the Brazilian gas market. In the next five years, all LDCs and more than 9 GW of thermal power plants will need to sign new gas supply agreements.”

Petrobras agreed to declare its maximum injections and retirements in each entry-exit zone, allowing third parties access to remaining transport capacity. However, it will continue to control existing gathering and processing infrastructure.

Mr Chavez said, “Ultimately, Petrobras’ role will change from being responsible for gas supply security, to maximising the value of its own gas portfolio and capital expenses.

“There are M&A opportunities as Petrobras is committed to divest from LDCs and pipeline transport, which includes selling its major stake in TBG.”

He added, “These new policies will set a new competitive environment for gas commercialisation.”

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