首页>资讯>石油石化>受紧张局势和供应担忧影响 原油期货反弹超过2%

受紧张局势和供应担忧影响 原油期货反弹超过2%

阅读:1524次 日期:2019/08/10



新加坡时间上午10点35分(格林威治时间02:35),洲际交易所(ICE)布伦特(Brent) 10月原油期货价格较周三的57.77美元/桶结算价上涨1.54美元/桶(2.75%),纽约商品交易所(NYMEX) 9月WTI原油期货合约价格上涨1.50美元/桶(2.94%),至52.59美元/桶。


Vanda Insights创始人Vandana Hari表示:“尽管欧佩克没有正式设定价格目标,但外界普遍预计,它将捍卫布伦特原油每桶60美元的底价。”分析师表示,受获利回吐、对全球供应和中东紧张局势的担忧影响,油价反弹。Hari 补充道:“今天上午原油价格的反弹是意料之中的。但一旦下意识的反应平息下来,情况将变得更加棘手——在看到生产商采取具体措施加大减产力度之前,市场预计仍将保持紧张和波动。沙特需要与23个国家联合,这将是一次大规模的演习。”

沙特能源部长哈立德?法利赫(Khalid al-Falih)和美国能源部(US Department of energy)表示,在波斯湾紧张局势加剧之际,美国和沙特阿拉伯正联手确保全球石油供应的安全。欧佩克+产油国组织最近才同意延长减产。计划于9月9日在阿布扎比举行的另一场会议,这将成为市场的一个关键事件。

日本防卫大臣岩田武(Takeshi Iwaya)周三在会见美国国防部长后表示,日本也在考虑加入美国领导的霍尔木兹海峡(Strait of Hormuz)海上安全联盟,以设法保护本国船只,确保稳定的原油供应。

摘译自 普氏能源资讯


Crude oil futures rebound more than 2% on tensions, supply concerns

Crude oil futures soared by more than 2% during mid-morning trade in Asia Thursday, as escalating geopolitical tensions and its impact on global supply took centerstage.

Analysts said that a possibility of Saudi Arabia meeting up with other producers to discuss a policy response to the recent slide in oil prices could be a strong reason for the price rebound Thursday morning.

Both benchmark contracts lost more than $2/b during Wednesday's trading session, weighed down by growing stocks in the US and ongoing global demand woes.

At 10:35 am in Singapore (0235 GMT), the front-month ICE Brent October futures rose $1.54/b (2.75%) from Wednesday's settle at $57.77/b, while the NYMEX September light sweet crude futures contract gained $1.50/b (2.94%) at $52.59/b.

"According to a Saudi official, all options are on the table," said ANZ analysts in a note, citing media reports that the Saudis were considering all options to halt the drop in oil prices.

"Though OPEC does not officially have price targets, it's widely expected to defend the $60 floor for Brent, " said Vandana Hari, founder Vanda Insights.

Prices rebounded amid profit-taking and concerns about global supply and tensions in the Middle East, analysts said.

"This morning's crude rebound was to be expected. But once the knee-jerk response has settled down, it will get trickier -- the market can be expected to remain jittery and volatile, until it sees concrete steps from the producers to deepen their cuts. With the Saudis needing to bring 23 countries on board, that's going to be a massive exercise," added Hari.

This comes at a time when the US and Saudi Arabia are working together to ensure the security of global petroleum supplies amid increased tensions in the Persian Gulf, according to Saudi energy minister Khalid al-Falih and the US Department of Energy.

"The OPEC+ group of producers only recently agreed to extend production cuts. Another planned meeting in Abu Dhabi on 9 September shapes up as a key event in the market," ANZ analysts added.

Japan is also considering joining a US-led maritime security coalition for the Strait of Hormuz as it tries to find ways to protect its ships and ensure stable crude supply, Minister of Defense Takeshi Iwaya said Wednesday after meeting his US counterpart.
