

阅读:1200次 日期:2019/08/12


为主要经济体提供资讯的IEA下调了对今明两年的石油需求增长预期,并警告说,受美中贸易冲突的拖累,它可能会进一步下调这一预期。该机构表示,从1月到5月,全球石油消费量仅增加了52万桶/日 - 约为去年同期的一半,为自2008年以来的最低水平。



徐蕾 摘译自 世界石油


IEA says outlook for global oil demand is fragile

The outlook for global oil demand is “fragile” amid growing signs of an economic slowdown, which squeezed consumption growth during the first five months of this year to the weakest in a decade, the International Energy Agency said.

The IEA, which advises major economies, trimmed forecasts for oil-demand growth this year and next, and warned that it may lower the estimates further as the U.S.-China trade conflict drags on. World consumption increased by just 520,000 bpd from January through May -- about half the rate seen the previous year, and the slowest for the period since 2008, the agency said.

Brent crude futures slumped into a bear market this week, and was trading near $57/bbl in London on Friday. In response, Saudi Arabia, the world’s biggest oil exporter, signaled that the kingdom and fellow nations within OPEC will keep production restrained.

The IEA trimmed its estimates for global oil demand growth in 2019 by 100,000 bpd to 1.1 MMbpd, implying a growth rate of about 1.1%. The outlook for 2020 was lowered by 50,000 bpd to 1.3 MMbpd, or a rate of 1.3%.
