

阅读:1260次 日期:2019/08/12

据道琼斯8月9日消息,墨西哥国有能源公司Pemex长期垄断的零售加油站业务,在2014年通过重大改革后,仍在继续缩减。Stratas Advisors表示,Pemex 2015年拥有1196个加油站,占墨西哥国内加油站市场份额的97%,但2018年只有72%的市场份额,到2021年这一比例将降至48%。该公司指出,截至2018年,BP在墨西哥有400个加油站,埃克森美孚有178个,雪佛龙和沃尔玛等几十家公司也有加油站。Stratas预计,墨西哥近80万桶/天的汽油需求将在2025年之前持续增长,达到85万桶/天。

庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯


Mexico's Non-Pemex Gas Stations on the Rise

The long-held monopoly Mexico's state-run energy company Pemex had on retail gasoline stations continues to unwind after passage of major reforms in 2014. Stratas Advisors says Pemex had a 97% market share of gas stations in 2015, with 11,196 stations, but in 2018 had just 72% market share and adds that percentage will fall to 48% by 2021. The firm notes BP had 400 stations in Mexico as of 2018, ExxonMobil had 178, and a couple dozen others including Chevron and Walmart also have stations. Stratas expects Mexico's gasoline demand of just under 800k bpd to keep rising through 2025 toward 850k bpd.

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