

阅读:1185次 日期:2019/08/12


这个拥有28万人口的岛屿集团正在为其计划中的中央支付项目、一个浮动液化天然气终端和200兆瓦的燃气发电厂寻找供应商。据彭博社看到的一份意向书显示,该项目的开发商新喀里多尼亚能源(Nouvelle-Caledonie Energie,简称NCE )正准备签订一份为期15年的液化天然气或再气化燃料合同。


NCE是政府、该岛的电力生产商、电网运营商和Eramet SA拥有的镍生产商SLN之间的合资企业。NCE排除了陆上液化天然气的储存和再气化设施。

新的发电站将取代一座45年历史的设施,该设施建立在位于努美阿的SLN工厂内,将其大部分产量提供给SLN 和一些给公众。进口码头和电厂预计于2023年下半年启动。









郝芬 译自 世界石油


Tiny Pacific island eyes LNG market debut with supply deal

New Caledonia, a French territory in the South Pacific, is joining the global liquefied natural gas boom with a plan to use the cleaner-burning fossil fuel in power generation.

The island group with a population of 280,000 is seeking suppliers for its planned Centrale Pays Project, a floating LNG terminal and 200-megawatt gas-fired power plant. Nouvelle-Caledonie Energie, the project’s developer, is pitching for a 15-year LNG or regasified fuel contract, according to an expression of interest seen by Bloomberg.

Small buyers for LNG such as New Caledonia are popping up around the world to feed demand for the fastest-growing and cleanest fossil fuel. While the island’s needs of about 200,000 tons of LNG a year are a fraction of what a nation like France imports annually, it adds to the interest for the fuel outside of developed markets in Japan and Europe.

NCE is a venture between the government, the island’s electricity producer, its grid operator, and nickel producer SLN owned by Eramet SA. NCE ruled out onshore LNG storage and regas facilities.

The new power station will replace a 45-year-old facility built inside SLN’s plant in the city of Noumea, providing most of its output to SLN and some to the public. The import terminal and power plant are expected to start up in the second half of 2023.

Supply deal details:

?LNG delivered on ex-ship basis, or revaporized LNG; will consider free-on-board offers

?15-year contract will start between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024

?Priced against crude oil or Henry Hub, or combination of the two benchmarks

?Two cargo sizes: 40,000 m3 or 80,000 m3

?Will consider partially loaded full-size carriers of up to 120,000 m3

?Submissions due by Aug. 29

?Short-listed applicants expected to get request for proposal documents in the second quarter of 2020

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