

阅读:1226次 日期:2019/08/12





Targa资源公司宣布,到明年将实现日产量2亿桶的扩张项目,而能源运输公司宣布将于今年今年夏天的计划将有所改变,以便在2020年9月之前为其荷兰码头提高船舶装载量和制冷能力。Sunoco的Marcus Hook终端一直保持着强劲的装货进度,4月份出口9批VLGC货物,5月份出口10批,6月份出口9批。

曹海斌 摘译自 世界能源

U.S. LPG Exports Grow by 22%: Dorian LPG

U.S. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) exports have grown year-over-year by 22% to 22.5 million tons year-to-date (YTD) and Middle East exports have grown on the same basis 3.5% to 22.6 million tons, said Dorian LPG.

For the first time, U.S. and Middle East volumes were equal, said the owner and operator of modern very large gas carriers (VLGCs).

"Our expectation is that the U.S. exports will grow faster than those from the Middle East. U.S. propane inventories continue to push towards the higher-end of their 5-year range, having reached 80 million barrels on July 26th, 21.4% higher than last year, which was almost equal to the percentage increase in exports," it said.

North American export capacity continues to expand, further supporting global LPG trade. Altagas' new Ridley Island terminal on the west coast of Canada is now exporting two cargoes per month, while Enterprise expects its LPG Marine Terminal expansion to be ready by the end of September 2019 followed by an even more substantial expansion by the third calendar quarter of 2020.

Targa Resources announced an expansion project of 200 million barrels per day by next year, while Energy Transfer Partners announced scheduling changes for this summer to facilitate vessel loadings and increased refrigeration capacity for their Nederland terminal by September 2020. Sunoco's Marcus Hook terminal has maintained a strong loading schedule, exporting 9 VLGC cargoes in April, 10 in May, and 9 in June.
