

阅读:1202次 日期:2019/08/12

据8月9日Energy Voice报道,韦斯特伍德全球能源集团(Westwood Global Energy Group)报告称,截至6月30日,英国正在进行一口探井和三口评估井的开发。三口井已开钻,一口井已于7月完工。


6月28日,Siccar Point宣布其208/2-1里昂勘探因未能在目标始新世层段遇到储层质量砂岩而被封堵废弃——该井遇到了44米(144英尺)的粉砂岩和粘土岩,并伴有天然气显示。这是Siccar Point在其204/5B-2黑岩技术发现之后于2019年在设得兰以西的第二口勘探井。

7月1日,飓风能源公司(Hurricane Energy) 205/26b-13、-13Z沃里克深层勘探井的钻探工作完成,但由于石油和天然气泄漏,该井被封堵并弃用。该井在构造封闭下的断裂基底储层中钻取了2336英尺的水平段,但高于从Lincoln推断的解释的OWC/ODT。该公司进行了两次流量测试,需要用电潜泵回收钻井液和带有油气痕迹的地层水。作业人员解释称,油井遇到了裂缝网络连接不良的部分。

沃里克深井完工后,该公司于7月5日在205/26b-14 Lincoln Crestal油井上开钻,并进行了评估。这是计划于2019年在大沃里克地区实施计划的三口井中的第二口。与沃里克深井不同的是,Lincoln油井将以裂缝性基底储层的顶部为目标,评估石油量604 百万桶——钻一个3281英尺的水平段,用DST测试储层性能。此前,该公司曾在2016年钻探过,并证实其油柱高达2165英尺。


北海中部目前没有钻探活动。预计下一口开钻的井是i3 Energy公司的13/23c-G Liberator West油井,Equinor公司的23/6-B Lifjellet探井和Summit公司的21/6b Avalon油井。

洪伟立 摘译自 Energy Voice


Most North Sea wells due to spud since 2010

Westwood Global Energy Group reports that as of June 30, one exploration well and three appraisal wells were in progress in the UK. Three wells were spudded and one well was completed in July.

Five appraisal wells and four exploration wells are expected to spud in August – the most spuds in a month since August 2010 when 10 E&A wells were spudded (excluding re-spuds and sidetracks).

On June 28, Siccar Point announced its 208/2-1 Lyon exploration been plugged and abandoned after failing to encounter reservoir quality sandstone in the target Eocene interval. The well encountered 44m (144ft) of siltstone and claystone with gas shows. It was Siccar Point’s second exploration well west of Shetland in 2019, after its 204/5b-2 Blackrock technical discovery.

Drilling completed on Hurricane Energy’s 205/26b-13, -13Z Warwick Deep exploration well on July 1 and was plugged and abandoned with oil and gas shows. The well drilled a 2,336ft horizontal section into the fractured basement reservoir below structural closure but above the interpreted OWC/ODT extrapolated from Lincoln. Hurricane undertook two flow tests, requiring an Electrical Submersible Pump, predominantly recovering drilling brines and formation water with oil and gas traces. The operator interpreted the well as encountering a poorly connected section of the fracture network.

Upon completion of the Warwick Deep well, Hurricane spudded the 205/26b-14 Lincoln Crestal well on July 5, appraising the Lincoln discovery. It is the second of a three-well programme planned on the Greater Warwick Area in 2019. Unlike Warwick Deep, the Lincoln well will target the crest of the fractured basement reservoir, appraising 2C volumes of 604 mmboe. It should drill a 3,281ft horizontal section with a DST to test reservoir performance. Hurricane previously drilled Lincoln in 2016, proving an oil column of 2,165ft.

Total spudded its 206/4a-5 Glendronach well on July 16, appraising the 2018 206/4a-4 discovery well. The initial discovery was reported as 1 tcf of gas, making it the second largest discovery in the UK since Culzean in 2008. Glendronach has a Lower Cretaceous Royal Sovereign sandstone reservoir – a slightly older interval than the Lower Cretaceous Black Sail sandstone reservoir at Edradour. The well will be drilled from the adjacent Edradour field subsea template.

There is no current drilling in the central North Sea. The next well expected to spud is i3 Energy’s 13/23c-G Liberator West appraisal, then Equinor’s 23/6-B Lifjellet exploration well and Summit’s 21/6b Avalon appraisal well which, if a success, will be turned around for development purposes.
