

阅读:970次 日期:2019/08/13





徐蕾 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


US natural gas producer price risk climbs with exports

Growth in exports of natural gas have added new risks for US producers as the domestic fundamentals that once formed the basis of pricing are starting to be displaced by global market factors, according to BP executive Jared Barton.

US gas producers, which once faced investor pressure to grow output, are now facing Wall Street demands to improve returns -- a turn of events that has changed the way capital is allocated and even brought about some executive resignations, Barton, vice president of marketing and origination at BP Energy, said August 6 at an industry conference. Price weakness in export markets and slower growth among the US chemical and power generation gas users have given some producers reason to rethink their expansion plans.

"Producers are retooling their shops, trying to work through their long-term production outlooks and plans with their associated capital spends," Barton said at the LDC Gas Forums Rockies & West gathering in Los Angeles. "Deliverability and infrastructure issues continue to be a problem in certain parts of the globe, certain parts of Mexico and certain parts of the US."

US natural gas was once a "continental commodity," Barton said, but export opportunities like LNG and pipelines to Mexico have raised risks for producers.
