

阅读:918次 日期:2019/08/13

据8月12日Kallanish Energy报道,伍德麦肯兹研究咨询公司上周表示,巴西天然气市场改革将推动勘探和生产活动的支出,尤其是在特别是在近海盆地。


Kallanish Energy获悉,这项改革将允许第三方进入运输领域,并允许生产商向巴西国家石油公司以外的公司销售天然气。

这将开放对当地分销公司(最不发达国家)、发电厂和工业用户的销售市场。在今后五年,所有最不发达国家和总装机容量为9 000兆瓦的火力发电厂将签署新的供应协定。


伍德麦肯兹拉美天然气和液化天然气首席分析师莫罗 查韦斯(Mauro Chavez)表示,巴西国家石油公司的角色将从负责天然气供应安全,转变为将自身的天然气投资组合和资本支出价值最大化。这些新政策将为天然气商业化创造新的竞争环境。

洪伟立 摘译自 Kallanish Energy


Brazil’s gas market reform to benefit E&P

Brazil's gas market reform may lead to a spending boost in exploration and production activities, especially in the offshore pre-salt basins, independent research company Wood Mackenzie said last week.

Last month, Brazil's National Council for Energy Policy (Cnpe) opened the gas market to third-party investment, with the goal of bringing down prices by increasing competition.

The reform will allow third parties to access transportation and producers to sell gas output to companies other than semi-public firm Petrobras, Kallanish Energy learns.

This will unlock sales to local distribution companies (Ldcs), power plants and industrial users. Over the next five years, all Ldcs and thermal power plants with a combined capacity of 9,000 megawatts will sign new supply agreements.

Petrobras signed a cease-and-desist agreement to define how its position in the domestic gas market will be downsized. It will declare maximum injections and retirements in each entry-exit zone to allow third parties access to remaining transport capacity.

However, it will retain control over existing gathering and processing infrastructure.

“Petrobras’ role will change from being responsible for gas supply security, to maximizing the value of its own gas portfolio and capital expenses,” said Mauro Chavez, principal analyst for Latin America Gas and Liquefied Natural Gas at Wood Mackenzie, in a release.

“These new policies will set a new competitive environment for gas commercialization,” he added.

上一篇:8月13日 国内主要城市碳结钢价格汇总
下一篇:引领海洋遥感 水下光学的科技发展平台 让中国成为海洋强国