

阅读:963次 日期:2019/08/13




早些时候乌克兰乌克兰天然气公司的负责人A. Kobolev表示,乌克兰的石油和天然气公司谨慎地计划向该国的UGS设施注入更多的天然气,以防俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司在2019年后停止向乌克兰输送天然气。因此,乌克兰计划进入下一个供热季节,储备大约200亿立方米。

曹海斌 摘译自 俄罗斯油气网


Ukraine increased gas reserves in underground gas storage facilities by 1.9 times

Kiev, Aug 12 - IA Neftegaz.RU. From April 4 to August 10, 2019, Ukraine increased its natural gas reserves in underground storage facilities (UGS) by 1.9 times (by 7.874 billion m 3 ) - up to 16 billion 619.36 million m 3.

The indicated volume exceeds the inventory indicator of August 10, 2018 by 24.2%, and of August 10, 2017 - by 21.3%.

As it became known, as of August 1-10, 2019, the country's storage facilities were replenished by 768.29 million m 3 , which amounts to an average daily injection of 76.8 million m 3 , whereas in July 2019 it amounted to 74.4 million m 3 / day., in June - 71.9 million m 3 / day., in May - 62.9 million m 3 / day. In particular, the Ukrainian underground storage facilities on August 10, 2019 were replenished by 77.48 million m 3 with import of 65.86 million m 3 and domestic production of 54.39 million m 3.

Recall that earlier the head of Naftogaz, A. Kobolev, said that the Ukrainian oil and gas company was prudently planning to pump additional volumes of gas into the country's UGS facilities in case Gazprom ceases gas transit to Ukraine after 2019. So, Ukraine plans to enter the next heating season with reserves of about 20 billion m 3.
