

阅读:936次 日期:2019/08/13

据钻机区网2019年8月11日休斯顿报道,美国大型独立石油和天然气公司美国先锋自然资源公司(Pioneer Natural Resources Co.)最近发布的收益报告显示,尽管该公司把今年资本项目的上限下调了1.5亿美元(约占4.5%),但这并没有妨碍其在二叠盆地的产量增长计划。




李峻 编译自 钻机区


Pioneer's 2019 Permian Production Growth on Track

While Pioneer Natural Resources Co. is lowering the top end of its 2019 capital program by $150 million (about 4.5 percent), this shouldn’t impede its growth plans in the Permian Basin, according to its recent earnings release.

The capital reductions include trimming the top end of its 2019 Permian drilling, completions and facilities range by $100 million to $2.8- to $3.0 billion and lowering its midstream facilities and water infrastructure spending by $50 million to $250 million. With these adjustments, Pioneer is changing its total 2019 capital program to a range of $3.05- to $3.25 billion and expects it to be fully funded with 2019 forecasted cash flow of $3.5 billion.

Pioneer still plans to operate an average of 21 to 23 horizontal rigs in the Permian this year, including five rigs in the southern joint venture area. This program is expected to place 265 to 290 wells on production, compared to 270 wells last year. The average lateral length planned for 2019 is about 9,800 feet, with an average estimated ultimate recovery of approximately 1.6 million barrels of oil equivalent per well.

These plans are expected to deliver 2019 Permian production of 320 to 335 MBOE/D and 203 to 213 MBO/D, or 12 to 17 percent growth over 2018 production levels.
