

阅读:915次 日期:2019/08/13

据世界天然气网站8月12日消息 Fluxys在比利时运营的泽布吕赫液化天然气终端将接收两批卡塔尔货物,并将承接亚马尔液化天然气货物转运作业。

根据泽布吕赫航运港的数据,北极液化天然气运输船Georgiy Brusilov计划于8月18日抵达,液化天然气终端将承载亚马尔液化天然气货物的转运作业。同一天,由日本川崎汽船和希腊船厂所有的17.34万立方米液化天然气运输船Patris预订了一个装卸槽。

第一批卡塔尔货物定于8月24日在16.12万立方米的Q-Flex液化天然气运输船Al Sahla上交付,该船于8月8日从卡塔尔拉斯拉凡液化天然气厂出发。

两批卡塔尔货物中的第二批定于8月27日交货,另外从卡塔尔出发的21万立方米运输船Al Sadd计划于8月8日抵达。


吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Zeebrugge LNG schedules Yamal transshipment, Qatari cargoes

The Fluxys-operated Zeebrugge liquefied natural gas terminal in Belgium is set to receive a couple of Qatari cargoes and could accommodate a Yamal LNG cargo transshipment.

According to the Port of Zeebrugge shipping data, the LNG terminal is likely to host a transshipment of Yamal LNG volumes, as the Arctic LNG carrier Georgiy Brusilov is scheduled to arrive on August 18, the same day the 173,400-cbm LNG carrier Patris, owned by Japan’s K Line and the Greek shipowner Chandris, booked a loading slot.

The first Qatari cargo is scheduled for delivery on August 24 onboard the 216,200-cbm Q-Flex LNG carrier Al Sahla that set off from Qatari Ras Laffan LNG complex on August 8.

The second of the two Qatari cargoes is scheduled for delivery on August 27. The cargo is being transported onboard the 210,000-cbm Al Sadd that departed Qatar on August 8 as well.

The Zeebrugge LNG terminal, that mainly imports LNG from Qatar, has an annual throughput capacity of nine billion cubic meters of natural gas.
