

阅读:975次 日期:2019/08/13



钻探活动预计将于2020年末或2021年初开始,目标是在预计3-4年内钻探并完成18口井,最多8口可选井。授予的合同包括钻井、测井、固井、低完井、e-line/slick line(单股钢丝)、连续油管和试井服务。

哈利伯顿欧亚大陆、欧洲和撒哈拉以南非洲地区高级副总裁Shannon Slocum表示:“我们很高兴能够赢得这项工作,并通过我们的多条产品服务线提供服务,这可能是塞内加尔第一个深水石油开发项目。除了我们的服务,哈里伯顿还将通过建设设施、雇用当地员工及可能利用当地供应商以在塞内加尔进行投资。”



裘寅 编译自 世界石油


Halliburton wins Senegal deepwater drilling, completion and testing services contracts

Woodside Energy Senegal awarded Halliburton nine conditional contracts for drilling and completion services for SNE Field Development Phase 1 offshore Senegal.

“In addition to our services, Halliburton will invest in Senegal through constructing facilities, hiring local staff and potentially utilizing local vendors/suppliers.”

The drilling campaign, which is due to start in late 2020 or early 2021, is for drilling and completing 18 wells with up to eight optional wells over an estimated 3-4 year term. The contracts awarded include drilling, logging, cementing, lower completions, e-line/slick line, coiled tubing and well testing services.

“We are excited to win this work and to provide services from our multiple product service lines on what is likely to be the first deepwater oil development in Senegal,” said Shannon Slocum, senior vice president of the Eurasia, Europe and Sub-Sahara Africa region for Halliburton. “In addition to our services, Halliburton will invest in Senegal through constructing facilities, hiring local staff and potentially utilizing local vendors/suppliers.”

Initial engineering work will begin in Perth, Australia, later this year, and then will transfer to Dakar, Senegal in 2020.

This multi-contract award follows an earlier conditional award to Halliburton in December 2018 for drilling and completion fluids services.
