首页>资讯>石油石化>Wintershall Dea开始在挪威近海进行深海钻探

Wintershall Dea开始在挪威近海进行深海钻探

阅读:953次 日期:2019/08/13

据彭博社8月12号斯塔万格报道,Wintershall Dea已经开始在挪威海的德沃林气田钻四口生产井,为2020年开始生产做准备。越洋北极钻井平台的生产井钻井预计将持续约一年,此前冬季Dea公司运营的Dvalin开发项目周围夏季活动频繁。Dvalin气田将增强挪威最大天然气出口国之一的地位。




孙子舒 编译自 彭博社


Wintershall Dea starts Dvalin production drilling offshore Norway

Wintershall Dea has begun drilling four production wells on the Dvalin gas field in the Norwegian Sea, getting ready for the start of production in 2020. Drilling of the production wells from the Transocean Arctic rig is expected to last approximately one year and follows an intense summer of activity around the Wintershall Dea operated Dvalin development. The Dvalin field will strengthen Wintershall Dea’s position as one of the largest gas exporters from Norway.

“Dvalin fits neatly into our strategy of supplying gas to the European market through fields and pipelines while ensuring we remain one of the most important gas producers on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. It further demonstrates our capabilities as an efficient and capable operator,” said Alv Solheim, managing director of Wintershall Dea in Norway.

Since April, activity at the Dvalin field has included installation of pipelines and a manifold at 400 meters water depth. In August, a 3,500 ton processing module was completed and lifted on to the nearby Heidrun platform in preparation for receiving gas from the Dvalin field. The field is located 259 kilometers north of Kristiansund in mid Norway.

Dvalin is being developed as a subsea field tied back to Heidrun, which lies some 15 kilometers to the northwest. The four wells will be drilled to a depth of around 4,500 meters.

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