首页>资讯>石油石化>Klaipeda LNG终端满足立陶宛7月天然气需求

Klaipeda LNG终端满足立陶宛7月天然气需求

阅读:946次 日期:2019/08/13

据世界天然气网站8月12日消息 7月Klaipeda液化天然气终端向立陶宛和邻国的消费者提供天然气供应,当时白俄罗斯的天然气供应因计划三周的天然气管道维修而中断。


Klaipedos Nafta在其声明中称,今年7月进行了两次液化天然气再装载作业,共计约7400立方米液化天然气。

与前几个月一样,不仅立陶宛的消费者,还有其他波罗的海国家都获得了天然气供应,因为该终端7月份的天然气供应量是立陶宛所需天然气的1.5倍。绝大多数天然气(91%)从挪威天然气液化厂运至Klaipeda LNG终端。





Klaipeda LNG终端的再气化服务客户包括Lietuvos energijos tiekimas UAB、Achema AB和Imlitex UAB公司(从5月开始)。

吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Klaipeda LNG terminal covers Lithuania’s July gas demand

In July, Klaip da LNG terminal provided natural gas supply to consumers of Lithuania and neighboring countries, when gas supply from Belarus was cut off due to planned gas pipeline repairs for three weeks.

The regasification at the LNG terminal in July amounted to 2.2 TWh gas, receiving three large-scale gas carriers, which brought approximately 411,000 cubic meters of LNG and 4 small-scale gas carriers, which brought approximately 38,000 cubic meters of LNG.

In July, two LNG reloading operations of approximately 7,400 cubic meters LNG were carried out Klaipedos Nafta said in its statement.

Same as in previous months, not only Lithuanian consumers but also the other Baltic States were provided with gas, since the terminal supplied 1.5 times more gas than needed for Lithuania in July. The great majority of gas, 91 percent was brought to Klaip?da LNG terminal from the gas liquefaction plant in Norway.

The LNG terminal is planning to receive one large-scale and three small-scale gas tankers in August, and two LNG reloading operations are planned, the statement reads.

Besides, the world’s largest LNG feeder and bunker vessel Kairos is planned to arrive in Klaip?da for the sixth time.

The 10 percent of shares held by KN in the freight agreement of Kairos will be transferred to German company Nauticor from September 30, under the agreement reached at the beginning of April. Around that time, ship-to-ship LNG reload operation will be carried out at Klaip?da LNG terminal for 100th time.

In the first half of 2019, LNG regasification and reload of KN at Klaip?da LNG terminal was 6.4 million MWh (4.7 million MWh in July -December 2018; 4.5 million MWh in the first half of 2018).

Clients of degasification services of Klaip?da LNG terminal include Lietuvos energijos tiekimas UAB, Achema AB, from May – Imlitex UAB.
