首页>资讯>石油石化>Freeport LNG终端第一艘油轮即将到达

Freeport LNG终端第一艘油轮即将到达

阅读:1447次 日期:2019/08/14


这艘由三井和关西电力(Kansai Electric power)共同拥有的“ Jurojin”号液化天然气船公布了其目的地,并预计将于周四抵达。


Freeport液化天然气公司发言人Heather Browne以保密为由,拒绝证实或评论这艘油轮的计划,并表示,截至周一下午早些时候,休斯顿南部出口终端的生产尚未开始,但“工作仍在继续”。上周末,由于在1号生产线启动和冷却过程中遇到气体泄漏的管道进行了维修,导致了短暂的停运之后,天然气开始重新流向该设施。

油轮通常可以根据市场和客户的需要改变目的地或调整到达时间。由于Freeport LNG的运营模式是收费模式,在该终端生产的液化天然气的买家负责向液化设施采购和交付原料天然气,以及安排运输和决定货物的交付地点。


其中四家公司一直在定期出口货物,而金德摩根(Kinder Morgan)在格鲁吉亚的Elba液化公司周一继续生产第一批货物。

Freeport液化天然气一号生产线的主要长期买家是日本公用事业公司大阪燃气(Osaka Gas)和中部电力(Chubu Electric),它们各自控制着220万吨/年的产能。此外,英国石油公司还与法国道达尔公司和韩国SK E&S公司签署了长期合同,分别为2号生产线440万吨/年和3号生产线440万吨/年的开采能力。


王佳晶 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


Freeport LNG terminal could see first tanker arrive within days: cFlow

An unladen LNG tanker appeared to be headed toward the Freeport, Texas, terminal as the liquefaction facility there prepared to produce and export its first cargo, data provided by S&P Global Platts' trade flow software, cFlow, showed Monday.

The Mitsui- and Kansai Electric Power-owned LNG Jurojin listed a captain's destination of US FPO - an abbreviation for the port of Freeport -- with an estimated arrival of Thursday.

The tanker last dropped off a load of LNG at Japan's Ohgishima receiving terminal around July 19, after picking up a cargo at Nigeria's Bonny facility around June 20, cFlow data show. It passed through the Panama Canal on Friday and was heading north toward the Gulf of Mexico on Monday.

A Freeport LNG spokeswoman, Heather Browne, declined to confirm or comment on the tanker's plans, citing confidentiality.

As of early afternoon Monday, production at the export terminal south of Houston had yet to begin, though "work continues to progress," Browne said. Feedgas began flowing again to the facility over the weekend, after a brief lull due to repairs to a flare vent line that had encountered a gas leak during the startup and cool down process for Train 1.

Tankers can often change destinations or adjust the timing of arrival depending on market and customer needs. As Freeport LNG operates on a tolling model, buyers of the LNG produced there are responsible for the procurement and delivery of feedgas supply to the liquefaction facility, as well as arranging shipping and deciding where the cargoes are delivered.

The Freeport LNG facility has experienced multiple construction- and weather-related delays, most notably following heavy rain in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in August 2017. Once in operation, it will be the sixth major US LNG export terminal to begin liquefying and exporting LNG since 2016.

Four have been regularly exporting cargoes, while the fifth, Kinder Morgan's Elba Liquefaction in Georgia, continued Monday to produce its first cargo. As of Monday afternoon, there were no unladen LNG tankers listing a captain's destination of the port where Elba is located, cFlow showed.

The primary long-term buyers of offtake from Freeport LNG Train 1 are Japanese utilities Osaka Gas and Chubu Electric, which each control 2.2 million mt/year of capacity. Additional long-term contracts were signed with BP for 4.4 million mt/year of offtake capacity for Train 2, and France's Total and South Korea 's SK E&S, which are splitting another 4.4 million mt/year of offtake capacity at Train 3.

In total, long-term contracts cover roughly 13.2 million mt/year of the proposed 15 million mt/year three-train facility's output, with additional short-term contracts, including a three-year deal with commodity trader Trafigura, covering the remaining supply.
