首页>资讯>石油石化>托克公司开始通过Cactus II管道运输原油

托克公司开始通过Cactus II管道运输原油

阅读:1428次 日期:2019/08/14

据管道新闻网8月13日宣布,托克集团全资子公司托克公司宣布已经开始通过新运营的Cactus II管道系统('Cactus II'),将原油从二叠纪盆地运往德克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂/英格塞德地区。

新的运营得到了托克在2018年初执行和宣布的一项重要长期承诺的支持,这是管道Cactus II的最新开始的商业服务,与欧洲及其他地区的水运出口服务相连接。

托克原油交易主管Kevin Jebbitt表示:“托克在将美国原油运输与全球市场挂钩方面走在了前列。由于我们的全球网络,我们可以向美国生产商展示一种独特的能力,将石油供应给从地中海到远东的世界各地的终端客户。西德克萨斯中质原油正迅速再次成为全球基准,显示出其与现货市场的相关性。”

Cactus II管道系统从二叠纪盆地延伸至德克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂/英格塞德地区,将具备每日67万桶原油的运输能力。

曹海斌 摘译自 管道新闻网


Trafigura begins transporting crude oil via the Cactus II pipeline

Trafigura, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Trafigura Group Pte Ltd, has announced it has commenced shipments of crude oil from the Permian Basin to the Corpus Christi / Ingleside, Texas area via the newly operational Cactus II Pipeline system (‘Cactus II’).

This activity is underpinned by a significant long-term volume commitment executed and announced by Trafigura in early 2018 and represents the initial commercial service of Cactus II, with its deliveries connecting to a waterborne export service to Europe and beyond.

“Trafigura is at the forefront of connecting the American barrel to the global market,” said Kevin Jebbitt, Head of Crude Trading for Trafigura. “Thanks to our worldwide network, we can demonstrate to US producers a unique ability to place barrels with end customers around the world, from the Mediterranean to the Far East. WTI is fast becoming a global benchmark again, having shown its relevance to the physical markets.”

The Cactus II Pipeline system extends from the Permian Basin to the Corpus Christi / Ingleside, Texas area and will have the ability to transport 670 000 bpd of crude oil.

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