

阅读:1396次 日期:2019/08/14


“桑切斯能源集团拥有高质量的资产基础,拥有充足的流动资金,可以继续安全高效地运营,同时我们与业务合作伙伴和中游业务伙伴保持良好的关系,”桑切斯能源公司总裁兼首席执行官Tony Sanchez说。“在过去一年中,我们采取了积极主动的措施来应对具有挑战性的石油和天然气价格环境,包括稳定我们的生产状况,提高资本效率和降低整体成本结构。桑切斯能源的下一阶段行动将是通过自愿流程进行财务重组,我们将与债权人合作,制定一项计划,适当调整资产负债表,进一步投资我们的资产并为利益相关者创造长期价值。我们仍然致力于正常运营,我要感谢我们的优秀员工团队对公司的不懈努力。我对桑切斯能源公司的未来充满信心。”



徐蕾 摘译自 世界石油


Sanchez Energy declares bankruptcy, secures new financing commitments

Sanchez Energy Corporation today announced that the company and certain of its subsidiaries have voluntarily filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas. The decision to make this voluntary filing follows an extensive review of strategic alternatives to align its capital structure with the continued low commodity price environment, and Sanchez Energy intends to use this process to substantially reduce its indebtedness and provide the financial flexibility to position for future success. The company has liquidity, comprised of cash on hand and $175 million in new committed financing as described below, to operate in the normal course and intends to interact with its commercial counterparties as usual.

“Sanchez Energy has assembled a high-quality asset base and has substantial liquidity to continue operating safely and efficiently, while we maintain productive relationships with our business partners and midstream counterparties,” said Tony Sanchez, III, president and chief executive officer of Sanchez Energy. “Over the last year, we have taken proactive steps to address the challenging oil and natural gas price environment, including stabilizing our production profile, improving our capital efficiency and reducing our overall cost structure. Undergoing a financial restructuring through a voluntary process represents the next phase for Sanchez Energy, as we work with our creditors on a plan to right-size our balance sheet, further invest in our assets and generate long-term value for our stakeholders. We remain committed to operating in the normal course, and I would like to thank our team of talented employees for their continued dedication to the company. I am confident in the future of Sanchez Energy.”

Sanchez Energy has received commitments from certain of its senior lenders for $175 million in new financing, of which $25 million will be used to repay borrowings and replace a letter of credit currently outstanding under the company’s existing revolving credit facility and, along with cash on hand and cash flow generated by ongoing operations, support the business and fund continued capital investment throughout the restructuring process.
