

阅读:1449次 日期:2019/08/14


标普全球普氏能源资讯对分析师进行的一项调查结果显示,分析师们预计美国能源信息署( EIA)将公布在截至8月9日的一周内新增540亿立方英尺天然气库存量的报告。调查的反应范围从470亿立方英尺到620亿立方英尺不等。EIA计划在周四美国东部时间上午10:30发布其每周天然气库存报告。



李峻 编译自 Platts


US natural gas in storage forecasts to increase by 54 Bcf: survey

US natural gas in storage looks to expand at a rate larger than the five-year average for the third consecutive week as production continues to set records in August.

The US Energy Information Administration is expected to report a 54 Bcf injection for the week ended August 9, according to a survey of analysts by S&P Global Platts. Responses to the survey ranged from an injection of 47 Bcf to 62 Bcf. The EIA plans to release its weekly storage report on Thursday at 10:30 am EDT.

A 54 Bcf injection would be more than the 35 Bcf build in the corresponding week last year, as well as the five-year average injection of 49 Bcf. An injection within expectations would increase stocks to 2.743 Tcf. The deficit versus the five-year average would decrease to 106 Bcf and the surplus to last year would expand to 362 Bcf.

The build looks to be nearly in line with the week prior, when the EIA reported a 55 Bcf injection, as US production continues to surge.

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