

阅读:1425次 日期:2019/08/14

据离岸工程8月12日报道,挪威-加拿大电池制造商Corvus Energy宣布,已与壳牌公司达成投资协议。


Corvus Energy是海洋与港口应用先进储能系统(ESS)的开发商和供应商,也是知名锂离子电池生产商,总部位于加拿大。该项投资将有助于Corvus Energy在国际上的扩张,并进一步增强其在海上储能领域的技术领先地位。除了机械设备再生能源解决方案的各种水下应用和解决方案外,Corvus Energy还为30多艘海上支持船提供了ESS。

首席执行官Geir Bj?rkeli表示,拥有强大而积极的合作者对我们的成功至关重要,通过与战略投资者密切合作,可以取得巨大的成果。一个很好的例子就是公司与挪威Equinor合作取得的成就,现在已经成为其他地区的榜样和经验。


壳牌Ventures投资总监柯克?科伯恩(Kirk Coburn)表示,Corvus Energy是壳牌的强大合作伙伴,随着可再生能源发电和许多部门电气化趋势的加速,能源部门正在经历重大转型。目前的混合动力和零排放项目已经证明,降低成本和减少排放的潜力是巨大的,壳牌将在其海上作业中利用这一优势。

洪伟立 摘译自 离岸工程


Corvus Energy Gets Shell Ventures Investment

Canadian-Norwegian battery maker Corvus Energy announced that it has finalized an investment deal with Shell Ventures.

The investment is a step towards Shell’s ambition to decrease the carbon footprint of the energy products they sell by around 20% by 2035 and by around 50% by 2050, in step with society.

Corvus Energy, the developer and supplier of advanced energy storage systems (ESS) for maritime, offshore, subsea and port applications, said that the investment will help Corvus Energy expand internationally and further enhance its technological leadership within maritime energy storage.

Corvus Energy has delivered ESSs for more than 30 offshore support vessels, in addition to various subsea applications and solutions for regenerative energy solutions from mechanical equipment.

Geir Bj?rkeli, CEO of Corvus Energy said: “To have strong and active owners has been crucial to our success and has taught us that by working closely with strategic investors we can achieve great results. A good example is what we achieved with Equinor, which has now become the model and inspiration for the rest of the world.”

Bj?rkeli added: “To have Shell onboard as an investor means that we can reach out to a much larger market and apply our technology to more rigs and platforms as well as continue the hybridization of offshore vessels. We look forward to working with Shell to power a clean future and support Shell’s determination to make their operations more sustainable.”

“Corvus Energy is strong partner for Shell,” said Kirk Coburn, Investment Director in Shell Ventures.

“The energy sector is going through a major transition as the trend towards renewable generation and electrification of many sectors accelerates. Current hybrid and zero-emission projects have proven that the potential for reducing costs and cutting emissions are substantial, which Shell will take advantage of in its offshore operations,” Coburn added.

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