

阅读:1586次 日期:2019/08/19


北达科他州管道管理局宣布,北达科他州6月份天然气平均日产量接近28. 8亿立方英尺,这也是创纪录的水平,超过了5月份的28.2亿立方英尺以及4月份创下的28.3亿立方英尺的最高纪录。




李峻 编译自 Platts


North Dakota oil production averages record 1.42 million b/d in June: state agency

North Dakota oil production averaged more than 1.42 million b/d in June, up about 30,000 b/d from May and about 20,800 b/d above the previous output record set in January, the North Dakota Pipeline Authority announced Thursday.

North Dakota natural gas production averaged nearly 2.88 Bcf/d in June, also a record, the authority announced.

Statewide gas production in June was up from nearly 2.82 Bcf/d in May and the previous record, set in April, of 2.83 Bcf/d.

The authority said that 23% of gas produced in June was flared, including 18% that was flared because of challenges or constraints on existing gathering systems and 5% flared from wells with zero sales.

Of the 1.42 million b/d of oil produced in June, 71% was exported by pipeline, 19% shipped by rail, 6% refined in state and 4% either trucked or railed to Canada, the authority said.

There were 61 active drilling rigs in North Dakota as of Thursday, down from 63 in June and well below the all-time high of 218 in May 2012.

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