

阅读:1585次 日期:2019/08/19



在该资产的开发过程中,俄气巴德拉公司在该油田钻探了22口生产井,平均每口井深约4500米。该公司建造了一个生产综合体,它已成为伊拉克中部石油和天然气基础设施的主要和最现代化的元素之一。在巴德拉建设了一座工厂,包括一个综合石油处理单元,产能为540万吨石油,一个综合天然气处理单元,于2017年12月投产,产能为16亿立方米/年。 该工业综合体还包括硫磺的生产和颗粒化的设备。



曹海斌 摘译自 俄罗斯油气网


Gazprom Neft produced 100 million barrels oil from the Badra field in Iraq

Wasit, Iraq Neftegaz.RU. Gazpromneft Badra, a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft, produced 13.5 million tons or 100 million barrels oil in Iraq.

The total cumulative oil production in Badra reached 100 million barrels for 5 years from the start of commercial operation of the asset, the 1st shipment of liquid hydrocarbons was in 2014. Oil production at the field since the beginning of 2019 exceeded 1.8 million tons (13.5 million barrels).

During the development of the asset, Gazpromneft Badra drilled 22 production wells at the field with an average length of about 4,500 m each. The company built a production complex, which has become one of the main and most modern elements of the oil and gas infrastructure in the middle of Iraq. A plant was launched on Badra, including an integrated oil treatment unit with a capacity of 5.4 million tons of oil and an integrated gas treatment unit, commissioned in December 2017 with a capacity of 1.6 billion m 3 / year of gas. The industrial complex also includes installations for the production and granulation of sulfur.

The field’s infrastructure includes its own gas turbine power plant (GTES) with a capacity of 123.5 MW. It supplies energy to all fishing equipment, more than 25 thousand residents of Badra and surrounding settlements.

The Badra field is located in the province of Wasit in eastern Iraq. The geological reserves of the field are estimated at 3 billion barrels of oil. The development project is designed for 20 years with a possible extension of 5 years. The contract with the Iraqi government was signed in January 2010 by a consortium of Gazprom Neft (in the status of operator), Kogas (22.5%), Petronas (15%), TPAO (7.5%). The share of the Iraqi government, which is represented by the Iraq Exploration Company (OEC), is 25%.
