

阅读:1613次 日期:2019/08/19

据路透社休斯顿报道,周四,据交易员介绍,美国石油基础设施提供商EPIC Midstream Holdings开始利用其40万桶/日的输油管线将二叠纪盆地的原油运往美国墨西哥湾沿岸,从而推高了米德兰原油价格。

终端运营商Moda Midstream确认,到周五,该公司位于德克萨斯州英格尔赛德的工厂将接收EPIC的原油。位于二叠纪页岩油田心脏地带的米德兰油价上涨至每桶50美分,高于美国原油期货价格。

总部位于圣安东尼奥的EPIC是今年第二家将美国顶级油田(二叠纪)的原油运送到德克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂地区的管道运营商。在此之前,美国管道运营商全美平原管道公司在本周启动了其每天67万桶运输产能的Cactus II管道系统,为今年开始服务二叠纪三条新管道中的第一条。


詹晓晶 摘自 路透社


Exclusive: EPIC Midstream ships first crude on new Permian pipeline to Gulf Coast

EPIC Midstream Holdings Inc on Thursday began shipping crude oil on its 400,000 barrel per day (bpd) pipeline from the Permian Basin to the U.S. Gulf Coast, pushing Midland crude prices higher, traders said.

Terminal operator Moda Midstream LLC confirmed it would be accepting the Permian crude from the EPIC line at its facility in Ingleside, Texas, by Friday. Oil prices in Midland, the heart of the Permian shale field, rallied to 50 cents per barrel over U.S. crude futures.

San Antonio-based EPIC is the second pipeline operator this year to open a major line from the top U.S. oil field to the Corpus Christi, Texas, area. It followed the start of initial operations on Plains All American Pipeline LP’s (PAA.N) 670,000 bpd Cactus II this week.

The new pipeline will help alleviate a crude oil bottleneck that has weighed on prices in the Permian of West Texas and New Mexico for more than a year. Crude inventories in West Texas rose last week to almost 20.5 million barrels, utilizing more than 60% of the region’s storage capacity monitored by market intelligence firm Genscape.
