

阅读:1448次 日期:2019/08/20

Oil & Gas Journal网站8月16日报道 根据Haynes and Boone(H&B)公司 8月12日的一份报告,北美石油和天然气生产商的破产案在2017年和2018年大幅减少后,今年正经历着上升。该公司自2015年以来监测了北美石油和天然气生产商破产的数量。




Haynes and Boone表示,天然气和天然气凝析液价格继续被认为是提交申请的主要因素,自今年年初以来油价一直在50美元/桶的区间内波动,没有任何明确的迹象表明价格波动会超出这个范围。


吴恒磊 编译自 Oil & Gas Journal


Haynes and Boone: North American E&P bankruptcies on the rise

Bankruptcies filed by North American oil and gas producers are experiencing an uptick this year following a substantial decrease in 2017 and 2018, according to an Aug. 12 report by Haynes and Boone. The firm has monitored the number of North American oil and gas producer bankruptcies since 2015.

The initial wave of bankruptcies in 2015-16 consisted of more than 100 bankruptcy filings. That number decreased during 2017-18 with 24 bankruptcy filings in 2017 and 28 in 2018. So far this year, however, the number has been rising. There have been 26 bankruptcies filed as of Aug. 12, with 20 filings since the beginning of May when H&B last reported its findings.

Over the entire period, 192 producers have filed for bankruptcy since the firm began tabulating E&P filings, involving some $106.8 billion in aggregate debt.

During 2015-19, Texas has seen the largest number of filings with 87; followed by Canada, 18; and Colorado, 10.

Natural gas and natural gas liquids prices continue to be cited as a main contributor to the filings, and since the beginning of this year, said Haynes and Boone, “Oil has been range-bound in the $50s[/bbl] without any clear indication that prices are heading north anytime soon.”

As for what’s next, the firm said that it’s too early to predict, but “it is clear that for certain financially troubled producers wounded by the crash in 2015, some stakeholders may have given up hope that resurgent commodity prices will bail everyone out.” It added, “For these producers the game clock has run out of time to keep playing ‘kick the can’ with their creditors and other stakeholders.”
