

阅读:1452次 日期:2019/08/20



ABB集团服务主管、该公司前美洲地区总裁格雷格?休(Greg Scheu)在接受Rigzone采访时表示:“作为一个拥有工程背景、后来进入管理行业的人,我认为数字化是一场影响能源和制造业方方面面的运动。随着自动化、机器人技术和人工智能在这些领域的普及,人们开始寻求那些想破坏事物的人。”


Scheu补充说,虽然招聘参数确实涉及“典型的石油和天然气深层数据科学家或公用事业部门网络安全专家”, 但该公司真正的挑战是找到适合转型的人才,并重新思考商业模式和效率。

“默认的假设是,我们自己(以及我们的竞争对手和合作伙伴)正在寻找‘技术奇才’。这只是一部分; ABB美洲最近的尝试是在不同的技术层面嵌入数字原生代,这些原生代可以在公司内部和我们的客户群中扮演变革代理人的角色。”

曹海斌 摘译自 钻机地带


Oil, Gas Automation Fuelling ABB Americas' Hunt for Digital Natives

The North American oil and gas industry is undergoing profound changes premised on improved operational efficiencies and better throughput in the current, and somewhat sustained, lower crude price environment.

This “digitally premised movement” is invariably bringing with it deep-rooted changes in hiring and re-skilling practices within the sector, according to one of the most senior executives in the ranks of Swiss robotics and energy industry vendor ABB.

Speaking to Rigzone, Greg Scheu, Head of Group Service at ABB and the company’s former President of the Americas region, said: “As someone with an engineering background who has gone on into management, I believe digital is a movement that affects all aspects of the energy and manufacturing spectrum. With the proliferation of automation, robotics and artificial intelligence in these spheres, the quest is on for seeking people who want to disrupt things.”

ABB has manufacturing facilities in 17 U.S. states, employs around 24,000 people stateside and nearly 36,000 personnel in the wider Americas.

Scheu added that while the recruitment parameters do involve “typical oil and gas deep data scientists or utility sector cybersecurity experts”, the company’s real challenge is to find the right talent comfortable with transformation, and rethinking business models and efficiencies.

“The default assumption is that ourselves (and our rivals and partners) are on the hunt for ‘tech whiz-kids’. That’s only part of the picture; what ABB Americas is attempting these days is embedding digital natives at different technical levels who can act as change agents within the company and for our customer base.”
