

阅读:1620次 日期:2019/08/26

据离岸工程8月23日报道,德国航运服务公司Global Shipbrokers (GRS)宣布与韩国风电项目开发咨询公司SerFac开始战略合作。



GRS管理合伙人Matthias Mross解释称:“进入韩国市场的时机非常理想。韩国政府有远大的海上风能扩张计划,未来几年将为我们提供很多机会。以我们的经验和专长为基础,我们可以确保避免错误,实现扩张目标。”

SerFac董事总经理Lim Nam-Hee指出:“我们很高兴能与GRS合作,该公司在全球范围内拥有丰富的风能经验。由此产生的协同效应将使我们能够继续推动我们在亚洲太平洋地区的海上风能市场不断扩张。”。


洪伟立 摘译自 离岸工程


GRS in South Korea Collaboration

German shipping service company Global Renewables Shipbrokers (GRS) has announced the start of a strategic partnership with South Korean wind project development consultancy SerFac.

The shipbroker for offshore tonnage in renewable energy said that the aim of the cooperation is to provide project development of offshore wind farm projects in South Korea.

As an independent advisor, GRS supports the negotiation of all contracts across all value creation stages of the entire project development.

At the subsequent installation and operation stage, GRS, as an internationally operating and independent specialist shipbroker, takes on the chartering of all vessels and crews required as well as the contracting of all further offshore service providers.

“The moment for market entry to South Korea is ideal,” explains Matthias Mross, managing partner at GRS. “The South Korean government has ambitious plans for the expansion of offshore wind energy and will be providing us with a lot of opportunities in the coming years. Building on our experience and expertise, we can ensure that mistakes will be avoided and expansion targets achieved”.

“We are very happy to have found a partner with GRS who is experienced in wind energy on a global scale. The synergies created will enable us to keep on pushing our expansion in the growing offshore wind energy market in the Asiatic Pacific region,” Lim Nam-Hee, managing director at SerFac, points out.

Earlier this month, the South Korean energy ministry announced its intention to boost its renewable energy share in electricity generation by 20 per cent by the year 2030. This corresponds to an increase in generation capacity from the current 11,000 megawatts (MW) to around 58,500 MW.

Offshore wind energy will gain in importance and its total capacity will increase by an overall 12,000 MW in the coming eleven years.
