

阅读:1573次 日期:2019/08/26



“斯伦贝谢开放数据生态系统对OSDU论坛的贡献是为我们的客户实现快速创新和敏捷性的重要一步,”斯伦贝谢技术执行副总裁Ashok Belani说。“我们致力于支持开发一个更新的OSDU数据平台,该平台与其他人的贡献一起将提供独特的能力和经验。这种技术合作是行业首创——它将把E&P的工作流程从传统的工作方式转变为数字化的未来。”



孙子舒 编译自 彭博社


Schlumberger open-sources data ecosystem, contributing to industrywide data development

Schlumberger announced that it will open-source its data ecosystem, and contribute to The Open Group Open Subsurface Data Universe? (OSDU) Forum to accelerate the delivery of the OSDU Data Platform. Schlumberger’s data ecosystem is based on core components of the DELFI cognitive E&P environment.

Oil and gas companies will be able to accelerate their digital progress by moving data to the cloud using the OSDU Data Platform, enabling a seamless experience when deploying their own applications, or adapting the DELFI applications to their needs. Rapid improvements in data control and integration across enterprise data sources, operations and security will be enabled. An ecosystem is created where customers, vendors and academia across and beyond the E&P industry can contribute their software code and promote their digital solutions.

“The Schlumberger open source data ecosystem contribution to the OSDU Forum is an important step to enable a rapid pace of innovation and agility for our customers,” said Ashok Belani, executive vice president, Technology, Schlumberger. “We are committed to supporting the development of an updated OSDU Data Platform, which together with the contributions of others will provide unique capabilities and experience. This technology collaboration is an industry first—it will revolutionize the E&P workflows from traditional ways of working by bringing them into the digital future.”

“Schlumberger has extensive expertise in the deployment of data in the oil and gas industry, and this contribution to The Open Group Open Subsurface Data Universe Forum is hugely significant,” commented Steve Nunn, CEO, The Open Group. “With the move to an open source-based OSDU Data Platform, we really are making the Subsurface and Wells portfolio far more accessible for innovative applications from a much broader spectrum of application developers and, therefore, really giving a boost to this portfolio. This collaboration will help us to make strides in the development of technology standards to transform the way we store, share and analyze subsurface data and, by fostering innovation in the field, we will enable those in the industry to operate more freely and be part of an open ecosystem.”

The Schlumberger contribution will enable the OSDU Forum to accelerate its open source technology while protecting the principles and drivers of its community. The collaboration will provide speed, diverse involvement, flexibility and retention of business continuity. Customers can leverage the investment that they have already made and avoid creating fragmentation of data and workflows that inhibits collaboration or creates barriers to innovation within the industry.
