

阅读:1557次 日期:2019/08/26



特纳瑞斯东半球总裁Gabriel Podskubka表示:“我们期待着用高质量的产品和服务来支持ADNOC雄心勃勃的钻探计划,我们非常高兴,他们认识到我们带来的钻机直接解决方案的价值,与客户密切合作,为更安全、更高效的运营做出贡献。”

为了更好地为ADNOC服务,特纳瑞斯将通过安装高级线程设备和升级其钻机直接服务中心来扩大其在阿布扎比的业务。特纳瑞斯中东商业副总裁Renwar Berzinji表示:”这项投资将根据ADNOC的国内价值计划,创造直接和间接的本地就业机会。”



詹晓晶 摘自 世界油气网


Tenaris receives $1.9 billion tubulars and services contract from ADNOC

Tenaris announced that ADNOC has awarded it a long-term contract for the provision of tubulars and Rig Direct services over the next five years, with a total value of $1.9 billion with the possibility of a two-year extension.

The award forms part of an initiative by ADNOC to secure smart procurement solutions that add value to its upstream oil and gas drilling business and promote in-country investment and service provision. It includes the supply of a full array of steel grades and connections, including Dopeless technology, to support ADNOC’s onshore and offshore E&P expansion projects.

“We look forward to supporting ADNOC with high quality products and services for their ambitious drilling program,” said Gabriel Podskubka, president of Tenaris, Eastern Hemisphere. “We are very pleased that they have recognized the value that we can bring with Rig Direct solutions where we work closely with customers, contributing to safer and more efficient operations.”

In order to better serve ADNOC, Tenaris will expand its footprint in Abu Dhabi by installing a premium threading facility and upgrading its Rig Direct Service Center. “This investment will generate direct and indirect local employment, in line with ADNOC’s In-Country Value Program. Tenaris has an extensive track record in sustaining a long-term presence in the communities where it operates, and we have the same commitment to the UAE and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi,” said Renwar Berzinji, vice president – commercial, Middle East Region.

Through Rig Direct, Tenaris offers an integrated service solution covering technical advice on product selection, collaborative demand and supply planning, efficient supply chain management and on-site technical assistance during product installation.

Tenaris and ADNOC have a longstanding relationship that extends over more than 25 years.

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