

阅读:1531次 日期:2019/08/26




石油部的数据显示,经济部的数据显示,印度Petronet LNG公司的Dahej终端再次满负荷运行。该终端在本财政年度的产能利用率为108.8%,而哈兹拉(Hazira)液化天然气终端的产能利用率为97.1%。

陈雨雁 编译自 天然气世界新闻


India’s LNG imports rise nine percent in July

Imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) into India rose in July when compared to the corresponding period last year.

Data from the oil ministry’s Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) shows that 2.738 billion cubic meters have been imported during the month under review. This is a 9.1 percent increase over the volumes imported in July 2018.

The cumulative imports for the fiscal year (April-July) so far have reached 10.75 bcm, 0.3 percent below the volumes recorded in the corresponding period last year.

The cost of imports dropped when compared with July 2018. The figure stands at $0.8 billion while last year’s figure stood at $0.9 billion. The price of imports for the fiscal year reached $3.1 billion, $0.3 billion below the previous fiscal year.

Ministry’s data shows that Petronet LNG’s Dahej terminal once again operated above full capacity utilization. Namely, the terminal operated at 108.8 percent capacity utilization during the fiscal year so far with Hazira LNG terminal operating at 97.1 percent capacity utilization.

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