首页>资讯>石油石化>Maran Gas从DSME订购第六艘LNG运输船

Maran Gas从DSME订购第六艘LNG运输船

阅读:1499次 日期:2019/08/27

据世界天然气网站8月22日报道,韩国造船巨头大宇造船与海事工程公司(DSME)已从希腊海运公司Maran gas Maritime订购了一艘新的液化天然气船(LNG),该公司是Angelicoussis航运集团旗下的子公司。

DSME周四表示,它赢得了一份17.4万立方米液化天然气运输船的订单。LNG运输船将在Geoje Okpo船厂建造,并在2021年第四季度交付给业主。


在DSME今年预订的7艘液化天然气运输船中,Maran Gas订购了6艘。DSME补充称,两家公司正在讨论追加船只订单。


提醒一下,Maran Gas上一次向DSME订购液化天然气运输船是在今年6月。

李方征 编译自 世界天然气


Maran Gas orders sixth LNG carrier from Daewoo Shipbuilding

South Korea’s shipbuilding giant Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) has booked a new liquefied natural gas carrier (LNG) order from Greek shipping company Maran Gas Maritime, a unit of Angelicoussis Shipping Group.

DSME said on Thursday that it won an order for a 174,000 cbm LNG carrier. The LNG carrier will be built at the Geoje Okpo Shipyard and delivered to the owner by the fourth quarter of 2021.

This latest vessel will be equipped with DSMEs advanced partial re-liquefaction system (A-PRS).

Maran Gas has ordered six out of the seven LNG carriers DSME booked this year. DSME added that the two companies are in discussion for additional vessel orders.

The shipbuilder’s 2019 orderbook currently stands at around $3 billion and includes 17 vessels, seven of which are LNG carriers. Other vessels on order include ultra-large crude oil carriers and submarines.

To remind, the last time Maran Gas ordered an LNG carrier from DSME was back in June this year.
