首页>资讯>石油石化>澳大利亚桑托斯公司产量激增 上半年利润上升

澳大利亚桑托斯公司产量激增 上半年利润上升

阅读:1450次 日期:2019/08/27

据世界天然气网站8月22日消息 澳大利亚液化天然气生产商桑托斯报告称,由于创纪录的产量数据和销售量的增长,与2018年同期相比上半年利润有所上升。







桑托斯董事总经理兼首席执行官Kevin Gallagher表示:“今天的业绩表明,收购Quadrant能源后我们的西澳业务整合成功。”

吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Santos sees H1 profit rise due to record production figures

Australian LNG player Santos has reported a rise in profit for the first half of the year compared to the corresponding period in 2018 due to record production figures and a rise in sales volumes.

Santos said on Thursday that its net profit was $388 million, which rose by a massive 273 percent when compared to H1 2018’s profit of $104 million.

The company’s underlying profit reached $411 million, almost doubling from the $217 million in 2017.

Total revenue stands at $2,043 million and is up 18 percent on the first half of 2018 due to higher LNG prices and volumes with the resumption of full production from PNG LNG following the earthquake in last year’s first half.

The revenue rise and higher gas volumes were also helped by the acquisition of Quadrant Energy.

Last month, LNG World News reported that record production boosted Santos’ first-half revenue with reported production of 37 mmboe in the first six months of 2019, a record for the company, 32 percent above the figures reported in the corresponding period last year.

Sales volumes of 45.2 mmboe were up 19 percent and sales revenues up 18 percent to $1,97 billion.

Santos managing director and CEO Kevin Gallagher said: “Today’s results demonstrate the successful integration of our Western Australian business following the acquisition of Quadrant.

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