

阅读:1446次 日期:2019/08/27

据国民报8月26日报道称,巴士拉天然气公司(BGC)和沙马拉控股公司签署了一项合同,以确保巴士拉天然气液化工厂的电力供应,使该工厂能够处理副产天然气,这些气体将从伊拉克的Rumaila,Zubair和West Qurna-1油田燃烧产生以供伊拉克发电站使用。


根据BGC常务董事Frits Klap的说法,该工厂一旦投入运营并连接到该国的天然气网络,将生产供发电站使用的国内天然气,并可能产生超过1500兆瓦的电力,足以为伊拉克100多万户家庭供电。


沙马拉控股集团首席执行官Ali Shamara表示,这笔交易标志着两家投资公司将在伊拉克首次共同合作开发该国的天然气产业。


Frits先生表示,将在Ar Ratawi建造并计划于2020年底完工的BGC设施“将为伊拉克的能源基础设施增加一个新的基石”,并可能将BGC的天然气日产量提高到14亿立方英尺。

徐蕾 摘译自 国民报


Iraq deal to provide power for new natural gas liquid plant

Basrah Gas Company (BGC) and Shamara Holding signed a contract to secure electricity supply to power Basra Natural Gas Liquid plant, to enable the plant to process by-product gas that would other wise be flared from Iraq's Rumaila, Zubair and West Qurna-1 oilfields for use by Iraq power stations.

Shamara Holding will provide the electricity required to power the Basra-NGL plant.

Once operational and connected to the country's gas grid, the plant will produce domestic gas to feed power stations and potentially generate in excess of 1,500 megawatts of electricity – enough to power more than 1 million houses in Iraq, according to Frits Klap, BGC managing director .

“The new plant will have two trains that will require around 70 megawatts of electricity to run efficiently," said Mr Frits.

Ali Shamara, chief executive of Shamara Holding Group, said the deal marked the first time in Iraq that two investment companies will jointly work together to develop the country's natural gas industry.

Iraq, Opec’s second-biggest oil producer, has a gas output of around 1 billion cubic feet per day, around 40 per cent of which is flared due to a lack of infrastructure to process the gas from its southern fields.

The BGC facility, to be built at Ar Ratawi and scheduled for completion by the end of 2020, "will add a new building block for Iraq’s energy infrastructure", said Mr Frits and will potentially bring BGC’s gas production to 1.4 billion cubic feet per day.
