首页>资讯>石油石化>Commonwealth LNG公司提出建造LNG终端申请

Commonwealth LNG公司提出建造LNG终端申请

阅读:1486次 日期:2019/08/27

据世界油气网报道,Commonwealth LNG公司向美国联邦能源管理委员会(FERC)提交了一份正式申请,请求批准建造一个产能为840万吨/年的LNG出口终端,并连接3英里长,直径30英寸的天然气管道,项目预算为40亿美元。

Commonwealth LNG公司与贡沃新加坡集团已经在6月份签署了为期15年的销售和购买协议,每年购买量为150万吨,该公司还提供固定价格条款,短期合同的可能性表明LNG正在变得更加商品化。

总部位于休斯顿的Commonwealth LNG公司提议在路易斯安纳州卡梅隆地区的400英亩土地上建造一个6条生产线的模块化设施,每条LNG生产线的产能为140万吨/年,该设施还将在场外建造6个4万立方米的模块化LNG储罐。




詹晓晶 摘自 世界油气网


Commonwealth LNG file formal FERC Application for Louisiana export terminal

Commonwealth LNG filed a formal application to FERC for permission to build an 8.4 MMtpy export terminal and interconnecting 3 mile long 30 inch feedgas pipeline, with project budget of $4 billion.

Commonwealth and Gunvor Singapore already signed Heads of Agreement in June for 15 years sale and purchase agreement for 1.5 MMtpa offtake. The firm is also offering fixed-price terms. The possibility of shorter-term contracts shows how LNG is becoming more commoditized.

Houston-based Commonwealth LNG propose a modular six-train facility on 400 acres in Cameron Parish, Lousiana. Each modular train is rated at 1.4 MMtpy. The facility wlll also have six modular 40,000 cubic meter LNG storage tanks built offsite.

Target start of operationsis is early 2024. THis 36-month timeline after FID is quicker than the typical 48-month timeline for similar LNG projects.

TechnipFMC is already working on engineering and design to help meet this deadline.

Arup is providing specialist structural, mechanical and naval architecture engineering services for the development of the industry’s first LNG modular storage tanks.
