

阅读:1498次 日期:2019/08/29



此次分拆发生在美信达公司(FMC Technologies)和法国油服公司德西尼布(Technip)合并的近三年后,三年前的合并创建了一家总部位于伦敦,总收入200亿美元的领先的海上服务公司,该交易在油价暴跌的最低点附近结束,当时美国原油期货跌至每桶26美元左右,并导致削减了新的海上石油和天然气开发项目的开支。

尽管2017年的Technip-FMC Technologies合并很成功,但首席执行长Doug Pferdehirt表示,分拆将提高灵活性,并使新公司能够打开新的机遇。


在斯伦贝榭集团任职20多年后的Catherine MacGregor,于上月加入了德尼西布FMC的新合资集团,将担任这家工程和建筑服务公司的总裁,该公司将在LNG领域寻求新的机遇,并将市场重心扩大到生物燃料和替代能源项目。


在新LNG项目的支持下,德尼西布FMC在第二季度收到了创纪录数量的订单。该公司最近从俄罗斯诺瓦泰克公司获得了76亿美元的合同,用于在西西伯利亚的北极 LNG-2 项目。


詹晓晶 摘自 路透社


Oil services firm TechnipFMC to split into two publicly traded companies

Franco-American oil services firm TechnipFMC Plc (FTI.N) said on Monday it would spin off its engineering and construction operations into a separate company, leaving it as a technology-focused equipment supplier to oil and gas companies.

TechnipFMC, which had a market capitalization of $10.31 billion, said the new Paris-based company will deal with onshore and offshore oil and gas projects. The split is expected to be final in the first half of 2020.

The spin-off comes nearly three years after Technip merged with rival FMC Technologies, creating a leading London-based offshore services company with combined revenue of $20 billion. That deal closed near the nadir of an oil-price crash, when U.S. crude futures fell to about $26 a barrel and prompted cutbacks in spending on new offshore oil and gas development projects.

Although the 2017 Technip-FMC Technologies merger was successful, Chief Executive Doug Pferdehirt said the spin-off would improve flexibility and allow the new companies to unlock new opportunities.

Pferdehirt will remain CEO for the upstream-focused company, which will focus on capital intensive subsea technologies and services. The Houston-based company will have a workforce of about 22,000 people.

Catherine MacGregor, who joined TechnipFMC’s New Ventures group last month after more than two decades at Schlumberger NV (SLB.N), will head up the engineering and construction services company. It will pursue new opportunities in liquefied natural gas (LNG) and broaden its market focus to include biofuels and alternative energy projects.

That company will have about 15,000 employees.

TechnipFMC received a record volume of orders in the second quarter, supported by new liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects. The company recently won a $7.6 billion contract from Russia’s Novatek for the Arctic LNG-2 project in western Siberia.

MacGregor told investors that additional LNG projects were likely meet global demand for the fuel through 2035 and 2040.
