

阅读:1363次 日期:2019/08/29

据8月28日Gas world报道,Haisea Marine公司8月27日表示,该公司已获得一份为期12年、价值5亿美元的合同,将设计、建造和运营加拿大Kitimat液化天然气项目的护航船和港口拖船。

这是由壳牌牵头的加拿大液化天然气财团(LNG Canada)授予的最大单笔合同之一,仅次于日本JGC与global Fluor group合资企业获得的工程、采购和建设合同,以及授予TC Energy的68.2亿美元管道合同。

液化天然气加拿大公司首席执行官Peter Zebedee表示:“加拿大液化天然气公司一直致力于确保我们的项目为海斯拉民族、当地社区和BC省(British Columbia)企业带来收益,这份合同是这项承诺的一部分。液化天然气加拿大项目留下的遗产,在一定程度上,是当地的人们长期的高技能工作。HaiSea之所以被选中,是因为他们能够展示出世界级水平的技术能力、运营专长和培训。”



从海达瓜伊(Haida Gwaii)的Triple Island到距离约159海里的Kitimat终端,需要护卫舰护送液化天然气运输船。拖船尚未建造,将在生产开始前不久投入使用,预计在下个十年中期之前投产。

Seaspan海洋运输公司首席执行官Frank Butzelaar表示:“我们拥有一支庞大的船队,拥有丰富的建造经验,并拥有BC最优秀的拖轮船长和工程师队伍,以经济高效的方式培训和运营该项目的规模效益。我们创新的培训和安全项目确保Haisea海员将做好准备,支持这个地球上最安全的项目。”

温哥华的Robert Allan Ltd.是一家独立的私营公司,专门为海军建筑师和海洋工程师提供咨询服务。

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HaiSea Marine, a joint venture of Haisla Nation and marine services provider Seaspan, has been awarded a 12-year, $500mn contract to design, build and operate escort and harbour tugs for the $40bn LNG Canada project in Kitimat, BC, Seaspan said August 27.

It is one of the single largest contracts awarded by the Anglo-Dutch Shell-led LNG Canada consortium, behind only the engineering, procurement and construction contract awarded to a joint venture of Japan’s JGC and the global Fluor group and the $6.82bn pipeline contract awarded to TC Energy.

“LNG Canada has committed to ensuring benefits from our project accrue to First Nations, local communities and BC businesses, and this contract is part of that commitment,” LNG Canada CEO Peter Zebedee said. “The legacy the LNG Canada project will leave, in part, is the long-term, high-skilled jobs for First Nations and local community members. HaiSea was selected because they were able to demonstrate technical capability, operational expertise, and training at world class levels.”

The HaiSea Marine contract will provide employment for 70 mariners and six on-shore staff, plus other roles for employees of the partner organisations.

During operations, LNG carriers will require harbour tugs to provide berthing and unberthing assistance in Kitimat. The tugs will also provide transportation of material and personnel, marine emergency response, firefighting and oil pollution response.

Escort tugs are required to escort LNG carriers from Triple Island in the Haida Gwaii to the terminal at Kitimat, a distance of about 159 nautical miles. The tugs are yet to be constructed and will go into service shortly prior to production commencing, which is estimated before mid-next decade.

“Seaspan owns a large fleet, has extensive new-build experience and has the largest pool of tug masters and engineers in BC, providing us with the scale to train for and operate the project in a cost-efficient manner,” Seaspan Marine Transportation CEO Frank Butzelaar said. “Our innovative training and safety programs ensure that HaiSea mariners will be well prepared to support the safest project on earth.”

Vancouver-based Robert Allan Ltd., an independent, privately-owned firm of consulting naval architects and marine engineers, has been contracted to design the new vessels.
