

阅读:1369次 日期:2019/08/29





李峻 编译自 Platts


China's Wanhua Chemical to hike 2020 LPG imports as world-first project starts up

China's top petrochemical maker Wanhua Chemical Group aims to increase LPG imports to about 5.5 million mt in 2020 from 4 million mt this year as it procures feedstock from diversified sources ahead of new projects in Yantai and widens trading activities in Asia, a senior company executive told S&P Global Platts in a recent interview.

A 1 million mt/year ethylene integration project -- phase two of its petrochemical project in northeast Shandong province -- will be the first ethylene cracker to use LPG as feedstock globally and is set for commercial production in the second half of 2020, Wanhua Petrochemical's associate general manager Tony Liang said. Wanhua Petrochemical is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wanhua Chemical Group.

"The plant will use 2.2 million mt/year of LPG as feedstock and is expected to be completed by H2 2020," Liang told Platts in a recent phone interview. Together with associated downstream units and a nearby feedstock storage rock cavern with a capacity of 1.2 million cubic meters, the project is costing around Yuan 20 billion.

To secure LPG amid ongoing trade tensions with the US, which have halted Chinese imports of US LPG due to high tariffs, Wanhua has diversified supply sources to include Australia, Africa and in particular the Middle East.
