

阅读:1276次 日期:2019/09/05


此外,该公司董事会授权启动一项公司普通股的回购计划,回购金额最高可达 15亿美元。




徐蕾 摘译自 世界石油


Concho sells its New Mexico Shelf assets for $925 million

Concho Resources today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its assets in the New Mexico Shelf to an affiliate of Spur Energy Partners for $925 million.

In addition, the Company’s board of directors authorized the initiation of a repurchase program of up to $1.5 billion of the Company’s shares of common stock.

Concho intends to use the proceeds from the transaction to pay down borrowings on its revolving credit facility and initiate the share repurchase program.

Tim Leach, chairman and CEO said “Proactively managing our asset portfolio has long been a key part of our strategy. Divesting our New Mexico Shelf position enables us to accelerate the value of these legacy assets, while focusing our portfolio on opportunities with the highest potential for strong returns. Further, the transaction reduces our cost structure and allows us to achieve the leverage target we communicated earlier this year, while delivering additional returns to shareholders under an initial $1.5 billion share repurchase program. The share repurchase program demonstrates our continued confidence in our strategy to generate sustainable oil growth and strong cash flow, and reflects our commitment to delivering long-term value to our shareholders.”

The divestiture includes approximately 100,000 gross acres. Current production from the Company’s Shelf assets is approximately 25,000 boepd. ?

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